Is there a conflict of interest? Brnabić refers to the Directorate, the profession says that it cannot


Prime Minister Ana Brnabić says that all competent bodies have determined that there is nothing debatable in the matters that the company “Aseko”, in which her brother is the director, received from the Government. Brnabić explains that she entered situated politics with the aim of improving Serbia, and that, as she says, there is no reason to provide anything for her family. The lawyers explain that the opinion of the Public Procurement Administration, referred to by the Prime Minister, cannot be applied in this case.

We asked the Prime Minister to act not as Prime Minister, but as a citizen, and we asked her if that ordinary Ana Brnabić would suspect a conflict of interest in a case like the one involving the company where her brother works. She said – it depends. “… Is it hinted in the news that is being posted that there was corruption and conflict of interest, or is the story being posted in such a way as to show the factual situation,” she says.

And the situation in fact, according to the prime minister, is that Aseko is much worse off than other companies in that sector. “That company, since I became prime minister, has had a revenue growth of 18 percent, which is below the average growth in the industry in which it operates,” says the prime minister of Serbia.

After explaining to us that several sleepless nights and discomfort were left behind, Brnabić, responding to H1’s questions, said that he knew what was true in this case: “I know there was no corruption, I know I would never do something like that. I know that my brother would never do something like that … I have no reason for that, I entered politics in a good position ”.

The Prime Minister first said that she asked the Anti-Corruption Council to investigate this case and was told there was nothing debatable. The council responded that it was a year ago and that even then they explained that their jurisdiction was not a conflict of interest.

Today Brnabić explains that the case is being investigated in the right direction or … “I think the TI office turned to the Anti-Corruption Agency, which referred them to the competent body, the Public Procurement Administration, and they responded and said that it was not a conflict of interest. “

“The thesis on which the defense is based in this case – and that is the opinion of the Public Procurement Administration, falls into the water. The current Public Procurement Law only regulates and prescribes a situation as the possibility of obtaining a preliminary ruling – that is the situation, negotiation procedure without public announcement. In this situation, there was no room for opinion and the Public Procurement Law does not recognize this type of opinion, ”says lawyer Ivan Ninić.

N1: In other words, that opinion of the Public Procurement Administration is null and void in this case, do you know?

Brnabić: Well no, you have to ask the IT Office, and I guess Transparency Serbia’s opinion is also null and void …

Although null and void opinions are addressed, in this case all contracts with ministries and state companies in which Aseko received more than 40 million euros in budget money – from the moment Brnabić became Prime Minister and his brother the director of that company.
