Is the word of the President of Serbia worth anything? – Society


Aleksandar Vučić offered an apology for the insulting vocabulary used by his party’s deputies in the Serbian Parliament.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić offered an apology for the insulting vocabulary used by his party’s deputies in the Serbian Assembly.

Is the word of the President of Serbia worth it?  1Photo: FoNet / Instagram of the President of Serbia

He reacted to the statements of Biljana Pantić Pilja and Marko Atlagić, asked the deputies of his party to be careful and careful, because “we are guilty if we are equal to them”.

However, this is not the first time that SNS officials attack and insult dissidents, which Vučić later apologizes for, with the obligatory reminder that “we are not the same” and that he is also called by various names.

Political analyst Cvijetin Milivojevic says to Danas that Vučić’s apologies have no weight, that they are not sincere and that they are even hypocritical because what the SNS deputies say in the Assembly comes by order of their president.

– He apologized using the postman as “he doesn’t want to be like the others” and then he listed those disgusting words that he always likes to repeat when they call him homosexual, “pissy” and the like, and none of the opposition leaders ever said something like that about him. These are attributes that anonymous people or patients may be able to read on social media. And last night, Vučić mentioned five of those epithets, says Milivojević.

He adds that the president said something indicative that many missed.

– “Those who are in convocation with the crown,” he repeated several times. He used that term for political opponents. It could be heard in the last session of the last convocation of the assembly, and was used by the SNS deputies. At least 10 of his deputies said: “Those of the opposition are in alliance with the crown and wish for death.” I followed that session carefully and was surprised. It is obvious that he is the one who personally gave them the guidelines for their last appearance in the ordinary assembly that existed until May of this year – says our interlocutor.

He says that at that moment he wondered who could think of something so disgusting, that someone wished the death of citizens in alliance with the crown, but that the day before yesterday he received confirmation that it was Vučić himself.

Milivojevic believes that the apologies that Vucic uses from time to time on behalf of his deputies and militants exclusively serve the SNS electorate, who even see that it is sometimes exaggerated.

Vučić’s latest apology referred to the insults that Atlagać uttered against actors Jelisaveta Seka Sablić and Dragan Bjelogrlić, and those that MP Biljana Pantić Pilja sent to H1 and Nova S televisions, calling them foreign mercenaries and domestic traitors.

The psychologist Zarko Trebjesanin estimates for Danas that few people, who neutrally follow the president’s speeches, think that his apologies are sincere.

– If I really wanted to approach differently and establish normal relationships, I would lead a dialogue and use moderate rhetoric. This would set an example, a role model for members of your party. However, he constantly insults the media, which he does not like, does not flatter or flatter him. It also calls opposition leaders inappropriate, criminalizes and dehumanizes them. Thus, he sets an example to the younger ones who later think they pleased him, which is probably so, Trebješanin emphasizes.

He adds that the apologies come for the “ducks” in Brussels and the fact that the chapters are no longer open, and shows a supposed willingness to dialogue.

– That now calls into question how much sincerity there is on this path to Europe. Although he is supposedly in favor of dialogue and against hate speech, the radical from Vučić speaks very easily – concludes Trebješanin.

CINS Director Branko Čečen points out for our article that violent rhetoric must end violence.

– Although we all say that to Vučić and all the other politicians who publicly pronounce those primitivisms, they continue because in essence they care a lot if any of us will burn down their house or worse. His role in the game of power and authority is obviously much greater than our health and our lives. And he only apologizes when he realizes that a bullet was fired into his own leg, like this attack on Seka Sablić, whose audience is also his constituency. So you can apologize to someone else. You don’t have to work because of me – says Chechen.

As a candidate for the presidency of Serbia three years ago, Vučić also apologized to citizens for the insulting remarks made by SNS official Milenko Jovanov against the family of presidential candidate Vuk Jeremić.

Natasa Jeremic, Vuk’s wife, is marked as the leader of the drug cartel in Serbia, that is, to manage the entire drug market in Serbia.

“On behalf of a decent and normal Serbia, on my own behalf, I apologize to all citizens who for at least one day thought that there is no difference between us and that we are all the same. We are not the same and we never will be. “My team and I will never insult members of other people’s families,” Vučić stated in a written statement at the time.

Aleksandar Vučić also apologized to all journalists who were attacked at his inauguration in May 2017 “if there were such attacks” because, as he said, he did not see them. Despite the fact that the cameras recorded the attacks on journalists.

Sorry to Montenegro

In July this year, Aleksandar Vučić repeatedly accused Montenegro and the Montenegrin health system of not having PCR tests or a laboratory where he could perform them, and later apologized.

– I just made a mistake in saying that they don’t have PCR labs in Montenegro: they do. And that would not be so if it were not fair, for that I apologize – said Vučić at the press conference.

Center for Democracy: Assembly of Hate Promoters

Belgrade /// The Foundation Center for Democracy assessed yesterday that the Serbian Assembly has become the main promoter of hate speech towards all those who think differently. According to them, the Republic of Serbia has provided mechanisms to combat hate speech with its legislation, and those mechanisms are defined by the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination, the Law on Public Information and Media, the Law on Electronic Media and finally the Penal Code.

“In the obvious search for political enemies, the parliamentarians of such a dominant majority now replace their attacks on opposition representatives who are no longer in parliament, with attacks on prominent people, doctors, film and theater artists who try to fight for a better position in your profession. a fairer society and express your opinion. “Instead of being a place for serious and well-argued debate on key political issues, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has decided to use the speech hatred as an obvious mechanism to stifle freedom of expression in Serbia, “the Center said in a statement. DD

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