Is the sugar factory closing after 114 years of operation?


Another group of 230 workers closed the doors of the Osijek sugar factory behind them.

Source: Tanjug

Illustration: Depositphotos, anekoho

Illustration: Depositphotos, anekoho

Since August last year, personally conditional dismissals and compensation were signed, and they confirmed that the dismissals are ongoing, in the Employment Office. The Osijek sugar factory, after 114 years in operation, is feared to face bankruptcy and closure as Virovitica, writes

Former sugar factory worker Slavko Rikert says he was just informed by a colleague that he, too, signed the dismissal decision and that another group of workers should leave before February 28.

“People are invited, they leave with severance pay of 3,000 kuna (396 euros) per year of service and four gross salaries. There is no contact with the management, the workers, according to a colleague, left in a whisper,” he said Rikert. added for

The chaos began after the abolition of quotas in the European market in 2017. Hyper-production appeared, the import of cheap sugar, and Croatia did not benefit from European aid for the restructuring of the industry because it entered the EU when the aid already it was distributed.

Sugar production in Croatia last year fell to just a third compared to the record year of 2014. There is no sugar if there are no raw materials, so the Ministry of Agriculture is announcing new measures.

In the Croatian sugar industry, they say there is work for only one factory, and this year. If the closures continue, Croatia could go from being a former sugar exporter to a country without a single grain of sugar, the text concludes.

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