Stronger measures in the fight against the virus would affect the qualification of the SNS leader Aleksandar Vučić, who also performs the role of president of the state, and there could be disobedience of citizens, Danas interlocutors believe. because Vučić’s rating would go down.

The rating and the tightening of the measures were connected yesterday by the leader of the SAA, Dragan Djilas.
He said in a statement that “the state, that is, the government and the president are not taking or adopting a single measure to prevent the spread of the virus, and Serbian politicians are keeping silent because they are thinking of their own rating rather than the people’s health “.
Djilas also assessed that citizens’ trust in the state has not been affected, but that it no longer exists.
“I demand that those who have the power to make a decision to stop dealing with their rating, to stop investigating and assessing if people will react well or badly to a certain extent, if they will lose a vote in the next election because of that. do what every responsible government should do, “said Djilas.
Dejan Bursac, a research associate at the Institute for Political Studies, told Danas that stricter measures are not being introduced for two reasons.
– One reason is definitely the rating. People are not afraid of the virus as in March, when the disease was unknown, and the last time protests were announced after the elections, they broke out. That, of course, can change if the situation worsens. The second reason I think it is economical. We see that there will be a large budget deficit this year, GDP is one of the bright spots that Vučić can catch and cannot allow economic activity to die out – he says. Asked about the confidence of citizens in the state, he replied that it depends on the group and that the voters of the SNS have confidence.
Political scientist Mladen Mrdalj also points out the negative effects of stricter measures in Vučić.
– Vučić is aware that there is a possibility of massive civil disobedience (a case of student rebellion, a case of rebellion against the curfew). Not only would it lower his rating, it would instill confidence in the opposition. Since disobedience would be more visible in Belgrade, that is, in urban centers, it could be a wave for the return of the opposition in Belgrade, Mrdalj believes.
Comparing the full shutdown six months ago and now, it says for our newspaper that the full shutdown occurred under significantly different circumstances.
– Nobody knew how dangerous the situation was, nobody knew how many measures could really disturb life, nobody knew how inconsistent, hypocritical and contradictory the government, including the Crisis Staff, would be when applying those measures. Now it is the other way around. Citizens see that the virus is not that dangerous (although no one knows what the situation would be like without any action – the Swedish “soft approach” was lonely and shows that the situation is deteriorating drastically), the economic consequences are dire and everyone knows that it can be and the government and crisis personnel have lost credibility. Let’s look at Darija Kisić Tepavčević: why did she become a minister? Or didn’t you do a good job or finish the job? If the job was finished, why do officials say the situation is getting worse? Mrdalj explains to Danas.
He claims that citizens do not trust the state, that it is not the worst.
– Citizens no longer trust each other. Young people without masks terrorize older people with masks on buses. Police nowhere. Stress levels are increasing. Everyone either cares about themselves or they don’t care about themselves either. The latest measures that give the police such broad powers are a desperate move to preserve authority, but (consciously or not) society is pushed even further toward one-man rule. We are really on the brink of dictatorship – says our interlocutor.
As he adds, the optimal solution that Vučić came up with is, in the end, to shift responsibility to “disobedient and irresponsible” citizens.
– That would show his followers that others are to blame again. The fact that it is the responsibility of the SNS that state bodies uniformly implement all decisions of the competent institutions is hidden – concludes Mladen Mrdalj.
It should be remembered that for several days, citizens have been waiting for strict measures from the headquarters of the crisis to limit the work of restaurants and close cafes and clubs, which, according to government officials, are the main source of a large number of infected people by the virus.
Vučić: It’s easier to criticize
The journalists asked President Aleksandar Vučić about linking the ratings and strict measures. He pointed out that there are people who are responsible and who are not subject to anything. “When we close restaurants and cafes, they said why do we do it, when you don’t close, you are guilty of not closing,” Vucic said. According to him, we are taking care of the state, so that we become the fifth in Europe in terms of success in the fight against kovid, and until yesterday we were sixth. “We were able to measure what the correct measure is, lose nothing to the economy and worry about how people will survive and survive economically,” Vucic said, adding that it is easier to criticize those who work.
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