IS THE CROWN PLANNED IN 2015? Srdja Jankovic explained if it was a conspiracy


Italian television RAI aired an episode of the 2015 “Leonardo” program, in which a corona pandemic is “predicted”.

Immunologist and crisis staff member Dr. Srđa Janković explained what it was all about as a live guest on Pink’s morning show.

– Let’s also end this myth, although people will repeat it. There is no mystery or conspiracy. Corona viruses are a family that has been known for a long time, it is not this corona virus. Even five years ago, predictions were made that the evolution of the virus, which occurs in nature, would create a pandemic pathogen. Of course, the prediction did not give a year and a day, but the probability of it happening. Science predicted something, but not, of course, accurately. Some corona viruses are patented and used in research, science takes care of them. But when we take some context out, it even seems compelling that foul play is taking place. Corona viruses exist, and this has the property of seriously harming, unfortunately, a large number of people – said Dr. Janković.

We have also heard that the corona existed in Italy long before, and the immunologist says that there is a big difference between the fact that a virus has been observed in several cases and that it has acquired dimensions like kovid 19.

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