Covid-19’s death rate is much higher than the flu.

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Seasonal influenza kills hundreds of thousands of human lives worldwide in just one year. This is precisely why Claims have emerged that it actually kills more people than the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
Although some of the symptoms of infecting a crown with a virus are reminiscent of the flu, especially fever and cough, this virus is worse due to the destruction it can cause, not only in human lives but also in our society.
Here are some reasons why the corona virus is more dangerous than the flu, and why additional precautions are needed:
The corona virus is more contagious than the flu.
Research shows that an average of about 1.28 other people are infected with the flu. Since the corona virus is new, it is unclear if and how much it could spread in the summer. However, taking into account the fact that during the summer months it is constantly expanding in the southern hemisphere, there is a possibility that the warm climate will not decrease its reproduction.

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Corona virus kills much faster
From October 2019 to early April 2020, the flu killed 24,000 to 62,000 people in the United States, according to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention. USA Those numbers are preliminary, and the CDC said it has stopped updating its estimates for this flu season since April 4.
If 62,000 people died of the flu between October 1 and April 4, that means the US USA They averaged around 331 deaths per day from flu patients. Compared to the flu, more than 62,850 people have died in the United States from the virus crown since February, when the first death was reported, in late April. So, on average, more than 739 people died per day in the United States from April 6 to April 30.

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Corona virus can spread without showing any symptoms.
In the flu, the incubation period is relatively short. People generally begin to feel badly naked after an infection, and symptoms often appear within two days, according to the CDC. This means that people who get the flu will feel the first signs of illness and are likely to stay home to avoid contact with others. But the coronary incubation period for the virus is three to fourteen days, and “symptoms generally appear within four to five days after infection, according to the Harvard Medical School.
“We know that a person with coronary artery disease can be contagious 48 to 72 hours before they begin to experience symptoms,” say Harvard experts.
Research to date suggests that people are more likely to transmit the virus to others for 48 hours before they start experiencing symptoms.

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That’s why wearing face masks, physically distancing yourself, and reducing contacts can help reduce the risk that someone who is infected but does not yet have symptoms of the disease may unknowingly infect others.
“Asymptomatic cases, which carry the virus within them, can easily infect others,” said An Rimon, professor of epidemiology at UCLA.
Experts say the number of deaths from influenza could be drastically reduced if many more people received the flu vaccine. They claim that if you get the flu shot and then become infected with the virus, your symptoms are likely to be less severe.
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