Is it the “SWEDISH MODEL” that works in Serbia and can survive in a country where they LOVE EARTH AND LOVE?


The schools are working hard, all the measures have long since become recommendations, almost everything works as before the pandemic, except that we wear masks and try to keep our distance. Serbia has approached the Swedish model quite imperceptibly, but is it possible during celebrations, holidays, indeed in a country where they like to hug, kiss and shake hands?

In July, when we had the most terrible peak and a large number of infected and died from the consequences of the coronavirus, there was talk on several occasions about the possibility of introducing a state of emergency, curfew and other proven methods. However, he gave up … And that decision turned out to be more or less successful in the end.

We are used to wearing masks as much as possible, to staying away from people and the numbers are down. However, it is not strange for us to start and relax by dropping the numbers; We only remember the month of May.

Thus, the epidemiologist Predrag Kon once said that after a long time of discipline, we are inclined to relax and do not respect the measures. Mild measures could present us with a new peak …

Europe is complete in the “Swedish model”

So is the “Swedish model” possible with us?

The fact is that in Serbia, as in other European countries, some measures are being introduced again, but most experts continue to believe that despite the restrictions, more and more countries are trying to implement the Swedish model whose main foundation is confidence in the responsibility of each citizen.

The new normal is no more unusual than in Sweden, which is almost the only Western country that refused to introduce a full lockdown – that is, “lockdown” – this spring, and there were no other mandatory restrictive measures.

StockholmPhoto: Profimedia


During the “Black Spring”, Sweden did not close its borders, public transport ran smoothly, and even restaurants, cafes, public institutions, hair salons and yoga studios remained open.

The prevention of the infection was based on Swedish solidarity and trust, that is, the authorities’ confidence in citizens that measures such as keeping distance and regular hand hygiene will be maintained on a voluntary basis. Whether it was the right decision or not has been the subject of debate around the world for months.

Three important facts

– All European countries today more or less combine their approach – testing, quarantining and monitoring the contacts of the infected – with the Swedish model, but none of them want to say so openly. Instead, they are constantly making a caricature of Sweden, calling its model inhuman and flawed, believes the director of the Geneva Institute for Global Health, Antoine Flacholt.

Epidemiologist Zoran Radovanović also spoke about the Swedish model in Europe, but also in Serbia.

Zoran RadovanovićPhoto: Aleksadnar Dimitrijevic / RAS Serbia

Zoran Radovanović

– Everyone chose their created model according to their material possibilities, but also according to cultural characteristics. The Swedes are a people who do not meet, hug or kiss in taverns, so the authorities were confident that they would maintain social status. In addition, it was estimated that in intensive care units there is sufficient capacity to receive all patients, says Radovanović.

He points out that Serbia also chooses a model according to its situation, and he meant that regular hospitals become a hospital. Today is a different image.

– Measures like the use of a mask, rigorous tests and isolation give results – he says.

Several facts show that the “Swedish model” is also in force in our country.

First of all, there are almost no prescribed measures, but everything is based on the level of recommendations. With the absence of measures, the number of punishments is less, and all the great measures, imprisonment, movement restriction were reduced to three basic ones that existed from the beginning: mask, social distance and hand washing. Nothing more and nothing less.

SchoolsPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia


In most countries in the region, the doors to schools are not yet open. With all the protective measures, when combined with online classes, schools in Serbia started on September 1, like every year until now, and despite the infection among children, they are working. That is another test.

Cafes, restaurants, cafes, shops, theaters, cinemas, shopping malls – all places where work was prohibited now operate with a constant extension of working hours.

Celebrate the greatest fear of collapse

However, not without consequences. A sudden drop in temperature brought us home and, after a significant drop in the number of infected, yesterday there were 111 of them.

This instills fears that the Swedish model could collapse in a society where hugging and kissing is, in fact, part of tradition.

Compliance with the recommendations was possible in the summer, but when the cold comes and you enter the closed spaces with a festive table when you drink a few more glasses, will the average Serbian really wear a mask and resist not hugging the host with his favorite song? ?

The Swedish model is also being tested in Sweden, much less in a country that has no such discipline. However, when economic survival and people’s lives are at stake, despite the fact that we will all say that people’s lives are more important, a certain balance needs to be found.
