Is Danica Popović also waiting to be fired?



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Professor Danica Popović is officially a plagiarist, for which she appears to receive a public sentence, which automatically leads to dismissal.

In other words, the Teaching-Scientific Council of the Belgrade Faculty of Economics voted today by an absolute majority that article 22 of the Code of Professional Ethics, which defines plagiarism, has been violated. This officially put an end to the “plagiarism” issue, and Professor Danica Popović must be officially sanctioned.

A failed defense attempt

As Kurir unofficially finds out, Popović had protection from certain colleagues, but the rest of the collective still voted that the code of ethics was violated and that she stole the translation from her late colleague Stojan Babić and signed it as her own.

– Teachers Dejan Šoškić, Milojko Arsić and Ivan Vujačić, close to the Democratic Party, wanted to protect her, so they asked that Popović not be punished, which the rest of the school strongly opposed – says a source in Kurir.

The most serious academic offense

photo: Marina Lopicic

Aleksandar Jaksic, the applicant for Danica Popovic’s plagiarism determination, told Kurir that the faculty at the Faculty of Economics protected the reputation of that institution:

– They showed that the reputation and integrity of our faculty cannot question the likes of Danica Popović, Dejan Šoškić, Milojko Arsić and Ivan Vujačić. I sincerely congratulate you on that. Danica Popović’s plagiarism has finally been proven, and as plagiarism is the most serious academic offense at the university, there is no doubt that she will be sentenced to public condemnation. There is no place for proven plagiarists in the Faculty of Economics. I am glad that a typical representative of the fake university elite has been exposed and that people in Serbia can finally see who the people are who are giving us moral sermons.

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Author: delivery courier
