IS ALBRITH RETURNING TO THE PLACE OF THE CRIME? Today, the meeting of the Biden people for the Balkans will demand the recognition of the so-called Kosovo and the “restraint” of RS


They will give recommendations to the future administration, led by Joe Biden, on what attitudes should be taken towards our region.

According to media reports in the region, experts from the Western Balkans, including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, John Hopkins University professor Daniel Server and analyst Janusz Bugajski, were invited to the meeting and will give recommendations to the new administration for more action in the Balkans.

In his speech, Server will call on the future US administration to commit more strongly when it comes to preventing the secession of the Republika Srpska and internal reforms in terms of weakening entities and full recognition of so-called statehood. . Kosovo.

– The United States should pressure Europeans to sanction those who advocate for the independence of the Republika Srpska, as well as to strengthen and transfer its troops, with visible support from the United States, to the city of Brcko, in the northeast , to block secession – It is reported that Server will request that meeting. regional media.

The main US objective of the dialogue is the mutual recognition of Serbia and the so-called Kosovo, as well as the exchange of ambassadors. The server will ask Biden and Chancellor Angela Merkel to explicitly announce this goal and pressure EU members who have not recognized the so-called Kosovo to declare that they will recognize it at the latest, while Serbia will do the same.

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