
Photo: Profimedia / DENIS LOVROVIC / AFP
The announced urgent amendments to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases are being drafted, which will prescribe that the communal militia issue a foul order for non-compliance with the measures prescribed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
The legal changes, which should be before the Government next Thursday, do not foresee an increase in the amount of fines threatened by non-compliance with the measures, said the Undersecretary of the Government of Serbia and member of the working group for the Protection Law. of the Population Against Infectious Diseases Tamara Stojčević.
“A misdemeanor warrant may impose a mandatory fine of 5,000 dinars on a natural person for not wearing a mask,” Stojčević noted.
The law already provides more sanctions for legal and responsible persons who do not provide conditions in their installation, such as the distance between tables in catering facilities or the absence of guardian crowns, and they do not change either.
– The misdemeanor order will work like the one we pay for improper parking, so it will be possible to pay half the fine in eight days – says Stojčević, adding that the notion of home quarantine will be specified.
He emphasized that these are only urgent changes, pointing out that this Law must be harmonized with the recommendations and regulations of the World Health Organization.
She hopes that the proposed changes will be before the government next Thursday, that is, together with the budget rebalancing, and then before the deputies of the Serbian Assembly for adoption.
(Kurir.rs/Tanjug/Photo:Profimedia/DENIS LOVROVIC / AFP)

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