Ireni destroys the facade with paint at night and scares her (PHOTO)


KIKINDA- Irena Hološa (82) from Kikinda’s daily life is full of fear, especially at night. Someone has been making the old woman’s life miserable for eight years by throwing black paint on the front of the house where she lives alone. In addition to the facade, the windows, shutters and bells were previously damaged.

To force a person or more of them who are harassing her and inflicting mental pain in addition to material damage, she recently installed security cameras that are not yet operational. For her unclear motive, this torture does not stop, and the frightened old woman is also concerned that this year, under attack by rioters, her house was found twice.

photo: SU

“I live calm and withdrawn. I do not fight with anyone, so I am not sure why someone does not constantly harass me. I do not understand why they touch me and throw paint in the house under the cover of night. They do not write graffiti. They just throw paint. and they leave. That is why I have been sleeping badly for years. I fidget with every noise. I have some doubts about who it could be. Irena says and shows what the facade of her house, 133 Braće Tatić Street looks like.

photo: SU

His daughter Marija Varga also confirmed to us that she reported to the police every time someone had damaged her home.

“The police made a report, took photos and left. My mother is not in dispute with anyone. My husband and I used various thinners to remove the stains from the facade and then we painted. The mother was left without her husband and son , Zoltan Holosi. He was once the boss. “I hope the troublemaker is finally caught and punished,” says Marija.

Nikola Lukač, the mayor of Kikinda, visited the frightened fellow citizen with his associates today.

photo: SU

“It is inconceivable and shameful that things like this are happening in this peaceful city. It is unacceptable that someone continuously harasses Irena and that this woman lives in fear. We will do everything possible for her, but also for any other citizen of Kikinda, regardless of her nationality or religion. “or any other affiliation, we provide maximum protection and support. We will appeal to the police to shed light on this case. They are familiar with the details of Irena’s incomprehensible harassment. It is a shame and a shame for someone to live off a defenseless old woman like this, “Lukac emphasized.

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Author: delivery courier
