Investor turns illegal building in Pančićev vrh into “log cabin”


Not only was the illegal 1,000-square-meter building in Pančićev vrh not demolished, despite the decision to demolish the republic inspector and claims by the Ministry of Construction that the demolition was ongoing, but the investor Snežana Mitković continued with the works, but with the adaptation of the building.

How it is transmitted Well-informed person, the area is reduced and the building covered with wood, to look like a temporary prefab, for which the investor originally received a permit. This is another in a series of attempts to legalize an illegal building in Pančićev vrh in the protected area of ​​Kopaonik National Park, rather than demolish it, as required by law.

As can be seen from the field, investor Snezana Mitkovic removed the roof and second floor of the building and stopped there. Work is now underway on the ground floor and the first floor, but this time it is not demolition.

That is, the hired workers poured bitumen on the upper slab, waterproofing was done, and as you can see, the material for the roof adjoining the building was prepared.

At the same time, the building is covered with wooden beams to make it look like a log cabin, that is, a temporary wooden building – a ski buffet.

All this indicates that the investor does not intend to demolish the illegal building, but rather to try to circumvent the law again, trying to make it look like a temporary prefabricated building of 150 square meters.

However, this is not possible in the case of this installation. It cannot be legalized if the law is respected.

As a reminder, the investor received a permit from the municipality of Brus to build a temporary facility there: a ski buffet of up to 150 square meters.

Instead, a building of more than 1,000 square meters was constructed and, as the construction inspection determined from the beginning, the foundation of this building was excavated, concreted and reinforced. This is not allowed in the case of a temporary ski buffet.

Also, the log cabin should be constructed of wood, not brick and concrete as is the case here.

On October 28, 2020, just a few days after the new minister Tomislav Momirović took over the leadership, the Ministry of Construction announced that the investor of the illegally built facility in Pančićev vrh, Snežana Mitković, informed them that he had continued to work to withdraw installation. Then it was stated that these works were suspended in August due to the “health situation with Kovid-19 and home self-isolation,” so the investor was not in a position to continue executing the decision of the republic’s construction inspector.

Insiders asked the Ministry of Construction if the construction inspector went to the field and checked what was happening with the illegal installation in Pančićev vrh, as well as why the works were not stopped. They received no answers to those questions.

The Ministry, in its latest statement on the case of illegal construction on the top of Kopaonik, stated that if the investor does not withdraw the installation as ordered by decision of the Republic Construction Inspector, the competent inspection of the Ministry of Construction will enforce the execution. It was also claimed that the demolition was estimated to cost around 26.3 million dinars.

More than a year has passed since the announcement by the then Police Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic that the building would be “demolished to the last brick.” The building has not been demolished to date.

Legal proceedings were initiated against Snezana Mitković for the crime of building without a building permit, on the basis of the criminal report of the Ministry of Construction.
