Investments in Novi Sad have not stopped, despite the crown


The mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, said today that investments in that city did not stop despite the coronary virus pandemic.

“As regards the express train, the works have started through the city itself, we are entering the last phase and I hope that next year we can reach the capital in half an hour,” Vučević told TV Pink.

Photo: Zoran Žestić / Tanjug

He said that communal problems are being solved, but that large economic investments are still on the table, such as the “Barry Callebaut” chocolate factory.

“It is being built at high speed and in the spring we will have products of a big brand that will be produced in Novi Sad,” said Vučević.

He adds that the city is in the fifth round of talks with the Japanese “Najdek”, which means that Novi Sad is on the list of finalists for the future destination. This investment, he says, would represent an industrial revolution because it is a large and powerful company.

Vučević also stated that the contract for the first phase of the reconstruction of the city center was signed on Friday and explained that it will be fully fixed and renewed.

“There will be new green areas, furniture, benches, new parts paved with granite, new lighting … The atmosphere in front of the National Theater of Serbia will be fixed, we will have a memory strip that will move along the contours of the old street Jewish, and on it, in Serbian and English, will be written the most important dates in the history of Novi Sad, “says Vučević.

He adds that there are great losses in tourism, that fairs, concerts, festivals, end of the year have been canceled … However, the American magazine “Forbes”. put Serbia on the list of five European countries to visit after the pandemic, and Novi Sad was marked as Serbian Athens.

“This is great news and, I hope, a sign that we will see the end of the crown. Everything has stopped and a hint from Forbes is a sign that the light at the end of the tunnel is visible and that things will change and return. for the better, “the mayor told Pink.

He adds that the plan is for the violinist Stefan Milenković to be the manager of the Concert Hall, design the program and be associated within the European Capital of Culture.

“His arrival is a strong invitation to our people in the diaspora that there is a perspective and an invitation in the homeland to return home,” says Vučević.
