“Investments continue, the goal is for the average wages to be 900 euros.”



05/10/2020 12:13

Vučević points out that he does not yet expect a budget rebalancing because there is no need for that at the moment.

Milos Vucevic

Miloš Vučević, Photo: Novi Sad City

At this time, Novi Sad has not given up on large investments and they are all being made, the City must help Novi Sad’s economy precisely by launching these large public investments, the mayor of Novi said in an interview with “Dnevnik”. Sad Milos Vucevic, who is also the vice president of the Serbian Progressive Party. In the interview, Vučević also referred to the actions of the Alliance for Serbia, the upcoming electoral campaign, and revealed how the progressives’ campaign will differ from previous ones due to the coronary virus pandemic.

As he said, the good news for Novi Sad is that there has not been a significant drop in the issuance of building permits, and he believes that we will continue that trend because it is very important for the stability of the city’s budget.

– We started the JKP “Vodovod i kanalizacija” capacities for the production of sodium hypochlorite, which was used for the disinfection of hospitals throughout the country, we organized the permanent disinfection of public areas, apartment blocks and other facilities. We have provided barriers, functional transportation in accordance with all the recommendations of epidemiologists, as well as safe markets, parks … Kindergartens will start operating on Monday. This is a new challenge. The facilities were disinfected, all protocols were followed to protect children and educators. So, we are gradually opening the city, with constant monitoring of the epidemiological situation, and now the responsibility falls on all of us. But I believe in the people of Novi Sad because even on the most difficult days, they showed how responsible and supportive they are. And we should all be proud of how our Novi Sad functioned in a state of emergency.

Milos Vucevic

Miloš Vučević, Photo: Novi Sad City

When asked if the City will temporarily suspend major projects due to the pandemic, he replied that Novi Sad is a large construction site and that every quarter square meter has just been built in the capital of Vojvodina:

– It is indisputable that construction is one of the strongest economic branches of any society, including ours, and the initiator of a whole series of other branches of the economy. I understand citizens if they are bothered by a construction site on the way to work or school, but they should know that there is no development without a construction site. Only a city that has many cranes and construction sites has a safer and more secure future. The good news for Novi Sad is that there has been no significant drop in the issuance of building permits, and I think we will continue that trend because it is so important to the stability of the city’s budget. At this time, we have not given up any significant investment. And they are all in progress. The city must help Novi Sad’s economy precisely by launching these large public investments.

No need for rebalancing

Vučević points out that he does not yet expect a budget rebalancing because there is no need for that at the moment.

– We have endured the period behind us without jeopardizing any vital function of the city of Novi Sad, and without stopping further capital investment. Depending on the additional situation in the budget, we will make a decision on rebalancing, taking into account economic stability and respecting financial discipline. As in the previous eight years, we will continue to be good guardians of our Novi Sad chests

Milos Vucevic

Miloš Vučević, Photo: Novi Sad City

SZS should be ashamed that by doing a circus they made applause for the heroes make no sense

The mayor of Novi Sad, referring not only to the protests, beating up the Sherpas, but also to the bicycle protest to provincial deputies and bicycle councilors, said they may be dissatisfied and frustrated only with their own lives and failures.

– But that’s your problem. They talk nonsense more than those Sherpas ever touch. Just look at how they communicate with each other, what vomit they say about each other, they accuse themselves of being “mercenaries”, they simulate some attacks, so the brave Djilas shed crocodile tears in front of the camera … They should be ashamed that, doing Such a circus, applaud our heroes sometimes – doctors and medical workers. In fact, his plan was to steal their applause. So how sick do you have to be to think of something like that? Or eager for power? Dear boycotters, there is no violence to defeat Serbia! – Vučević is categorical

When asked about the former Protector of Citizens, Sasa Jankovic said that “a large number of people in Serbia have been persecuted for a long time when they are not like-minded parties in power” and that “Dragan Djilas is mainly in the background of screen”. He says he denies himself:

– I do not see that Janković lacks anything, that he is “persecuted”, or that anyone prohibits him from publicly expressing his points of view, although they have nothing to do with the truth. In Serbia, everyone can write and say what they can think of, the degree of lies and insults is irrelevant. And you have to pretend that you’re stupid if you say otherwise. Tell me, how many of them know the names of Djilas’ children, or the women, or other members of his immediate family? And everyone knows the children and the brother of President Vučić, because they are constantly exposed to public lynching, because the media magnates constantly write about them, because they are the target of brutal lies and attacks by those who remembered that they were supposedly in danger. and complaining about it. Serbia is governed by censorship and dictatorship. I really hope that the authors and sponsors of such texts are finally “in the background”, but from state agencies.

Milos Vucevic

Miloš Vučević, Photo: Novi Sad City

Do you have any information that one of the largest and wealthiest critics of state measures donated a respirator or protective equipment to a hospital?

During that chase over the purchase of respirators and protective gear, which was started by service spitters and media tycoons, I called journalists in an interview to investigate how much Djilas and Solak and that team bought, when they are already millionaires. They attacked me with N-1 because Šolak’s company allegedly donated the equipment. Djilas did not reply. Not any other tycoon. Ask them why they are silent.

As a close associate of President Aleksandar Vučić, how do you experience very harsh attacks on him and his children by the opposition?

It is terrible that it lasts too long, that each attack worsens and that those who sign that vomit do not suffer any sanction. The last thing was to consciously and intentionally drag the President’s son into the “Mafia Clans War”, and still enjoy him and applaud him for the abomination they have devised. It is impossible to exclude emotions here. I also sincerely admire President Vučić for his firmness and courage, and for his strength not to give up an inch, even when his sons and brother were brutally attacked. And try to imagine how difficult it is for the family.

The campaign will not be as important as the prior health of citizens. The focus of the campaign is the economic and demographic strengthening of Serbia

How will the electoral campaign be organized in the city in conditions in which the danger of the virus has not yet completely passed and certain measures, such as the ban on meetings and social distancing, are still in force?

Milos Vucevic

Miloš Vučević, Photo: Novi Sad City

For us, this campaign will not be like all the previous ones, because the operational and technical implementation of the party’s activities will depend on the recommendations of the doctors and the epidemiological situation. The health of citizens is paramount. It will not be easy, it will be different, but citizens will listen to our ideas and plans.

What will be the focus of the Serbian Progressive Party?

The focus is always on Serbia’s future, its economic and demographic strengthening. We have provided the opportunity to young, educated and hard-working people who want to work for their country and help it progress faster. They’re not just new names on the charts. They are part of our team.

Demanding and difficult electoral campaign, because we want to win

What electoral campaign are you waiting for?

For the Serbian progressive party, the campaign will be complex, difficult and very demanding. Because we want to win. Because we want our program to be heard, so that citizens become familiar with it. The campaign is easy only for those who do not want to win the elections, and for those who do, the campaign is always very demanding. We will try to present all the positive results that we have achieved in the previous period, but above all we will focus on the plan for further development of Serbia, Vojvodina and all our cities and municipalities. The citizens of Serbia are primarily interested in its future, and the Serbian Progressive Party will present its program for further development of Serbia, the continuation of the economic strengthening of our country, the continuation of major infrastructure projects, including increased investments in the health system, education system, strengthening our army and police. Our goal is to achieve an average salary of 900 euros and an average pension of between 430 and 440 in five years.

Will you take the 100 euros that the state gives to all adult citizens and what will you spend them on?

That’s not the point. We are here to provide that money to the citizens of Serbia, to “win” for all of them, to spend the budget responsibly, to save … And this state aid goes to all of our wonderful pensioners and other citizens.
