INVESTING IN SERBIA IN INVESTING IN EUROPEAN SECURITY: Germany donates 10 vehicles to the Serbian police


– For us, this team is a really big and valuable donation. I am pleased to say that the Government of Germany is also the largest donor to the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia. So far, the value of donations from the German Government to our Ministry is 3.5 million euros. That is a lot of money and that is the money we spend on what our police officers really need, on what strengthened our border police and what keeps all our citizens safe – said Interior Minister Alexander Vulin, who is with the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany. Thomas Schieb attended the delivery of vehicles and equipment.

– To preserve our way of life, we must control our borders. We will control the borders better thanks to this team, and all our members will be able to fulfill their tasks in a simpler and safer way. The Home Office is grateful for the cooperation and we will continue to cooperate with our German partners with great pleasure. The fight against illegal immigration, the fight against terrorism, the fight against organized crime unites us no matter where we are and every support and assistance to the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia is a great investment in the security of the whole of Europe – added Minister Vulin.

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Belgrade, Thomas Schieb, noted that the Serbian and German authorities have been cooperating intensively for years in the suppression of international crime.

– The current equipment package in the form of 10 off-road vehicles, devices for detecting false documents and cameras is extensive, therefore the cooperation of the German police with the Serbian Border Police Administration continues. For years, the Serbian Border Police Administration has been an important partner for us in controlling and suppressing illegal and illegal migration. This great help that the Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Federal Republic of Germany made available to the Serbian border police is also a contribution to the establishment of border control at European level. The fight against international crime, the fight against terrorism and illegal migration is a great challenge that we can only overcome together, said Ambassador Šib.

Marko Blagojevi? .

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