“INTROVERTED AND SHY” Ana Ivanović revealed what Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer are like off the field, what she said surprised many!


At one point, the best tennis player on the planet, Ana Ivanović, left the racket four years ago, but she still knows very well the events of the sport in which she became famous.

The big three of the men’s competition, Djokovic, Nadal, Federer, are the ones that attract the most attention when it comes to the “white sport”, and Ivanvoic gave his impressions on the Spanish and the Swiss.

Many would think at first glance that these stars are arrogant, but Ana says that they are, above all, good people and that she has a good opinion of them.

– You achieve something in sport, but life continues after sport, so what kind of person you are is very important. Both Roger and Nadal are wonderful people, but completely different, Ivanović told “Sport Light”.

Ivanovic met them at tournaments and thinks they are completely different.

– Nadal is quite introverted and shy, he doesn’t talk much, and Roger is dignified, he reserves. I really appreciate both of them for what they have accomplished, along with Novak, that’s really for the record books. When they play games, I love to watch – he added.

By the way, Ana Ivanović won Roland Garros in 2008, the same season that Nadal lifted the trophy at this tournament in the men’s competition.

Video: Jelka Ana Ivanović provoked a fight on Twitter
