INTERVIEW WITH THE JUDGE HIT BY NOVAK: You have trouble moving and avoiding balls, how did you start doing this job?


She gave an extensive interview six years ago in which she admitted that she has a movement problem and that it is difficult to avoid the balls. She also said that her lip was broken because of it.

There was much talk about her, she became important for the Serbian media, because she is the “culprit” of the disqualification of the best tennis player in the world from this tournament.

That interview that Clark gave six years ago to a local newspaper in Owensboro, the Kentucky city where he lives, has come back to life.

There was a story about everything, how he got “hooked” on tennis. When he made his tournament debut, he also revealed that he has a gold necklace made from a tennis racket with a tennis ball.

She described what it takes to be a linesman.

– You have to have confidence in yourself, without being eaten alive. You have to have good eyesight, resistance, be able to stand a lot and be able to endure a lot and not only that, but also have a lot of confidence in yourself. Without it, they will eat you alive. It’s the most competitive thing I’ve ever done in my life and the sweetest concert of my life – Laura said at the beginning of the conversation.

A friend invited her to a tournament in Henderson and it was a turning point in starting her career as a linesman.

– I saw her in the field and I said: “I want to do it. I want to be there.” She told me who to talk to.

Laura Klark / AP Photo

Clark then contacted the local league coordinator. She applied on the USTA website, read the rule book, was tested, and went to judge school.

The first tournament he judged was in Evansville, and he remembers it as comical, because the participants used their rackets to train. She entered that tournament instead of the man who had a heart attack.

– I went in instead of a guy who had a minor heart attack and needed someone from the locals to complete it. I got home from Tellurde at midnight, got up at 6am, and drove to Memphis. I didn’t tell him that part. That brought me some ATP rankings.

canceled that same man in Florida. She couldn’t say no.

He also revealed how he spends his time at tournaments.

– We request for all tournaments. We know what the salary will be, what the accommodation will be like, what the trip will be like. We know in advance and we can say no – said Laura. “Every time we enter the field, we evaluate ourselves. These grades determine whether or not you will work. You need qualifications to participate. You cannot get qualifications if you are not engaged. I begged people to let me work on the days when the evaluators were there, so I could get some notes – described Laura.

He also talked about the one time the audience noticed them too.

– The only time people see us is during some of our troublesome situations. The first time you are in a big field, it is scary, it is the best, but also the most terrifying experience in the world. You shake so hard that you are sure you can see yourself shaking. But as the match begins and it’s time to get up and look out across the field, the nervousness subsides until you mess up or your voice turns screaming. Then come back.

How is the preparation for the tournament?

– I’m trying to get away from everything else that’s going on. We are one hundred in the great tournament. We have a large bathroom, where we are all together, we play all day or we meet … There is a lot of talk about what is happening. I play cards or whatever, but 15 minutes before it’s time to move on, I run out and remind myself why I’m there and what I’m doing. I have to clear my mind, do my best, not spoil business.

He does not hide that he would do this job without money.

– I’d do it for free. It is not something with which you can earn a lot of money, but … I love it – describes.

She is aware of everything that happens when forced and how important the points are.

– You don’t know most of the time. Then you realize that it was something crucial and you realize that someone will not be happy. Some are, but others are very unhappy. It doesn’t take long to get over this. Is it a call, or is it “IN” or “OUT”. That is my decision. Tell yourself that you are doing the right thing. I can only call what I see. You have to stick with it … face it. If you can’t do it with a clear conscience, you can’t be there. You will be eaten alive and there you will be the most miserable person.

There are many challenges, because then you can see if the linesmen made a good decision.

– I love the “hawk eye”. That is our cover. It’s like that for the players. If you want to challenge, challenge. End of discussion. That’s where the point ends and silences everything. It is a great tool for us.


However, Laura points out that she does not like to work during the summer, because then it is very hot and her shoes stick to the field.

– Sweat drips off you as you work in August in Lexington where your shoes are melting and sticking to the ground and really sticking.

Now we come to the problem of avoiding fast balls and the problem of movement.

– I never learned the technique of movement so my lip was completely torn. This is probably the most impressive because I was brand new: she told an anecdote when she was hit by a ball moving at a speed of 130 km / h.

He rarely communicates with players, but he had an interesting experience with one of the best tennis players, whose identity he did not want to reveal.

– One of the best professionals, asked me if I only guess after a decision. The officials do not communicate with the players. I just nodded and asked again. Are you sure or guessing? I smiled a little and told him not to guess. Challenge confirmed my decision, and the player laughed and said: “You didn’t guess” – Laura concluded.

Laura Klakr will surely be well remembered by fans in Serbia, because she is the main reason why Novak Djokovic’s series of wins was interrupted in 2020.

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