
Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
BON – The Austrian Kurdish politician Berivan Aslan leaves the house only under police protection, because the police were informed that his murder was ordered by the Turkish intelligence service MIT, and the information was handed over to the police by a certain Fejaz O. to prevent his own murder after the murder.
According to Deutsche Welle, Fejaz O., 53, is an Italian citizen of Turkish origin who lived in North Macedonia and was recently involved in a mysterious criminal case, during which he claimed to have completed his training in the Turkish secret service of the MIT and that he had recently retired. .
By the way, there are currently sharp discussions about what Berivan Aslan is involved in, and those are integration issues, activities of the Turkish President Erdogan’s Rights and Progress Party (AKP) in Europe and the network of the right-wing Turkish movement “Lobos Grays “out of Turkey.
However, Fejaz O., who turned himself in to the police, claims that the coordinators of the actions in Austria are in the Balkans and that he said that Fejaz O. allegedly received instructions for the murder on Aslanov in Vienna at the Turkish restaurant “Mesopotamia “in Belgrade.
He told a hearing in Austria that “only little people” who have strong support are active in Austria and pointed to a “very well coordinated network of mosques and associations” that covers the entire right-wing political spectrum, from less secular-ultranationalist to militant. . Islamist.
Berivan Aslan also claims that many mosques and cultural societies are used as “AKP party headquarters”, which encounters people who are on the fringes of society, and that once they get involved in those circles, they have the feeling that in Austria always will. they are treated like a man of another class.
Responding to a journalist’s question, and without linking the specific case of Berivan Aslan, Interior Minister Nehamer assessed that if Erdogan and Turkey systematically try to organize a network of informants in Austria, then it must have consequences.
Fejaz O. received the court order for Aslan’s murder last spring, but the quarantine due to the corona virus delayed everything.

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