Institute of Public Health: Epidemiological emergency situation in Vojvodina


During the weekend, 1,407 new cases of coronavirus infection were registered in Vojvodina, of which the majority in Novi Sad – 659, announced the Vojvodina Public Health Institute, adding that the epidemiological situation in the province is extraordinary.

The Institute stated that at this time in the territory of 27 municipalities of Vojvodina the situation is extraordinary, in Novi Sad, Zrenjanin, Sremska Mitrovica, Pancevo, Kikinda, Subotica, Sombor, Backa Palanka, Vrsac, Bela Crkva, Beocin, Opovo, Zablja , Alibunar, Sremski Karlovci, Plandište, Temerin, Kovačica, Kula, Indjija, Ruma, Vrbas, Bečej, Irig, Kovin, Šid and Nova Crnja.

In other cities and municipalities, the situation is evaluated as extremely unfavorable, with a tendency to worsen.

The Institute called on everyone to continue with the necessary implementation of the announced measures to control the transmission of the disease, in order to reduce the consequences of the trend to increase the number of patients and make it possible for the health system to function.

The Vojvodina Public Health Institute called on citizens to behave responsibly and recommends that they strictly adhere to all precautionary measures and instructions from the competent epidemiological services.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
