INSTEAD OF THE ISOLATION OF THE HOUSE, SITTING IN A CAFE: Boranin infected with corona was escorted by the police


Doctors appeal to the public to respect the prescribed measures, because the last case in which a positive person is found in a cafe, instead of staying in home isolation, affects the spread of this contagious disease.

– It is inexplicable that someone who tests positive for the corona virus goes to a cafe and spends time there and is carried out by the police. Is it so difficult to respect the measures for the health of all of us, that person who is positive, as well as everyone else? Emphasized Dr. Vesna Radosavljević, director of the Bor Health Center.

He stressed that in recent days there has been an increase in the number of patients visiting the Kovid clinic.

– Yesterday 82 patients were examined. We have quite a congestion and this morning 42 patients were waiting in front of the door to enter an exam. We managed to organize ourselves and patients are no longer left out. They will receive an hourly rate, 10 patients will be seen every hour, hour and a half, and we have increased the number of doctors who will see all patients. I ask citizens to be patient, because we are doing our best and making the last efforts to receive all people – added Dr. Radosavljević, reports

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