Ivan Ivanović, an eternal mercenary who today works for Dragan Đilas and Dragan Šolak, continues to show how poor he is. Instead of apologizing to Kurir for heinous lies, he attacked Kurir again, but also other journalists, and only because we asked him for evidence for the allegations of alleged vaccine theft.

However, even after several days of gruesome campaign he is leading, this presenter still does not think about apologizing to The Courier and the public because he falsely accused President Aleksandar Vučić of stealing coronavirus vaccines. On the contrary, he continued as before, all the time trying to get out of the lie without admitting the mistake. He claimed on Twitter that he was wrong and that not 187 vaccines were stolen, but 87. Therefore, he still remains with the monstrous lie that President Vučić, in the middle of the fight against the coronavirus, stole vaccines for himself and his relatives. And all of this is happening while the president’s father is in the hospital, where he is fighting the coronavirus. So much so that the president stole vaccines for his loved ones.
By the way, the case of journalist Vukasin Obradovic shows quite well that Ivanovic does not tolerate when someone questions his claims or when he asks for evidence.
– Aware that I am violating the omerta and that I am going to enrage many fans of the program “Evening with Ivan Ivanovic”, I must ask if there is any evidence, indications, protected source, to express suspicion that the President of Serbia stole, alienated, hid, whatever 138 or how many shots already? – Obradović asked on Twitter.
Of course, Ivanović did not present proof of that, but he also provoked and insulted Obradović in the least.
And after that, in his old way, he continued changing thesis and playing the victim. Therefore, after yesterday’s miserable attempt to equate himself with journalist Jelena Zorić, today shared a post on Twitter by a user who claims that Kurir’s text inviting him to submit evidence of vaccine theft is nothing less than a drawing. of a goal for Ivanović. The average host, whose shows get lower and lower ratings from year to year, seemed to have liked the role of victim, thus supporting the attitude of an anonymous Twitter user. And we would somehow accept all of that if Ivanovic weren’t one of those who regularly draws targets, ridicules and insults people on his shows, belittles, looks for mistakes and slips journalists, who, unlike him, go to a show live, so you make articles from it. for the show … In a word, it gives “ammunition” for ridicule, slander and attack on people. After all, at least everyone knows and sees that Ivan Ivanović is a man who makes money by making fun of others. This is how history will remember. Because, despite persistent attempts to present himself as excellent and independent, Ivanović will forever remain a poor man and the host of the now sad show.
In the end, Kurir says once again to Ivanovic: Ivan, liars, give evidence that the vaccines were stolen or apologize for your lies. Try to look like a man once, even if you are a poor mercenary, who poisons the public at the expense of your bosses, spreads hatred and creates even greater divisions in society.
If by some miracle you present evidence that you spoke the truth, we will apologize.

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Author: delivery courier