Inhabitants of Prokuplje villages welcome winter with almost nothing anywhere


Violeta and Dejan Jovanović from Bela Voda village in Prokuplje, swollen by Toplica, in June this year, took away and damaged everything they had been creating and housing for decades in a few hours.

Three months later, they say they only managed to paint the walls, but they can welcome winter, with three children and a modest income, with almost nothing anywhere.

photo: Printscreen RTS

“Everywhere we find silence, misunderstandings, misunderstandings, except in the construction service, but that is not over either, because we are still waiting for those solutions,” Violeta Jovanović said.

Dejan Jovanović says the plywood furniture was destroyed.

“Our goal was to save the bee, I tried to save the poultry, I couldn’t,” he said.

photo: Printscreen RTS

At Ilić’s house in Beloljin, the consequences of the June floods are visible in the buildings both outside and inside. They say they hoped that at least the wall dryers, which they were promised after the flood, would catch up with them now.

Slavica Ilić from Beloljin says that fourteen, fifteen homes were flooded in Beloljin and that no one received anything; solutions are expected.

The Red Cross in Prokuplje, which has dryers at its disposal, says that the owners of damaged buildings, due to the additional costs they incur, mostly decided to dry the walls naturally.

photo: Printscreen RTS

“If there are still some families that have not managed to dry with solar energy or not, I really don’t know at the moment, but if they call, we will surely include them, to help them finish drying the walls as soon as possible,” says Dragan. Subotic, secretary of the Red Cross in Prokuplje.

In the Prokuplje city administration, we were unable to find out the exact number of damaged buildings and the decisions made on the basis of the Decree on the renovation of family residential buildings after the June floods.

photo: Printscreen RTS

Only four decisions, which were made during September, are highlighted on the City’s official website.

By the way, the floods have caused great damage to economic entities, which, as we have learned, still do not know if they will be able to count on certain state aid.


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Author: delivery courier
