INEP: The amount of antibodies that protect us depends on the amount of virus with which we are infected VIDEO


How long do antibodies last in the blood after coronavirus is a question that Serbian scientists are also looking for an answer to. Researchers at the Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy also have the first research results.

Source: B92

Photo: Printskrin / Prva TV

Photo: Printskrin / Prva TV

“People who have developed large amounts of antibodies during the disease retain them during the follow-up period, and some are followed for more than five months. While people who develop lower levels of antibodies at first, they disappear, but it happens in “You noticed a certain drop in the concentration of antibodies, but they did not disappear. We assume, given that the drop is not significant, that these antibodies will last at least a year “, revealed to TV Prva Marija Gnjatović from INEP.

There is an association between seriously ill patients and high levels of antibodies, that is, patients with a mild clinical picture and low doses of antibodies at baseline, but, as Dr. Gnjatović states, there are exceptions and people who completely covered the crown in a asymptomatic and developed very high levels of antibodies. protected the body from viruses.

A large number of people are infected, but they do not have a serious clinical picture. Some go through with a headache, malaise, or fatigue.

“A lot depends on the amount of virus, many people get infected with a smaller amount because now everyone wears masks. The fact that someone does not develop permanent antibodies after the disease does not mean that they are not protected. There are also immune cells that remember the viruses and protect the body in the future. ” .
