28.09.2020. 09:37
The coronavirus has been registered in 33,384 people in Serbia since the beginning of the epidemic, and 747 deaths have been registered, according to data from the site covid19.rs.

Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Photo: Silkscreen
Crisis headquarters to combat korona virusa today sat down to bring new measures.
– Taking into account that we are going to find a colder climate, the work of the cafe inside runs until 11 at night, with respect to all measures, said Darija Kisić after the session of the Crisis Staff.
SURVEY: Do you respect the measures prescribed by crisis personnel?
Likewise, the effects of the measures taken for people who have returned to the country will be measured. The application of the Belgrade Marathon to organize this event in a new format will also be discussed, and the holding of exclusively business fairs and congresses will be considered.
As the profession has stressed in previous days, the virus is still present and caution is necessary.
According to the most recent data, in the last 24 hours, 3,138 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 72 new infected people were registered and, sadly, one person died.