In Valjevo the number of infected grows, the virus in several schools, kindergartens and companies


In Valjevo, the number of positives for coronavirus grows day by day. According to today’s report, 39 people have recently been infected, the most since early October. The virus has entered several schools and the preschool “Milica Nožica”. Two complete departments of the Higher Technical School and one Medical Department are also isolated. The virus is also present in the collectives and health institutions of Valjevo.

According to data from the Valjevo Public Health Institute, as of October 27, the virus was detected in 23 students, of which in six primary school students and 17 in secondary school students.

There are currently 40 elementary school students and 51 high school students in isolation. Two classes from the Technical School and one from the Faculty of Medicine are isolated, which have switched to online classes.

According to information from the preschool institution “Milica Nozica”, a child is positive for the corona virus, by family contact, and the group in which the child is infected is isolated, as are his two educators. Of the employees, two cleaners from different facilities are positive.

Korona “entered” four companies operating in Valjevo. According to the Institute of Public Health, the most infected workers are in “Krušik” -14, eight employees in “Europrom”, seven in “Gorenje” and in the company “Valy” one worker is positive. 42 employees of these four companies are isolated, most of the workers of “Krušik” – 31.

In Valjevo, 17 health workers who are sick with kovid 19 are being treated at home, while six health workers are in isolation due to risky contacts.
