In Užice hospital, 6 were hospitalized, 3 in serious condition, in Čačak without new admissions


LIVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THE CROWN IN SERBIA: 23,000 citizens returned from Friday until today, 36 had symptoms on the day of their return

Photo: Beta Milan Obradović, Profimedia, Ana Paunković

Since the beginning of the epidemic in Serbia, 1,084,893 people have been tested for the corona virus, of which 32,999 have been confirmed.

photo: Printscreen

There are 23 ventilator patients in hospitals across Serbia and 323 people have been hospitalized. Since the beginning of the corona virus epidemic in Serbia, 743 patients have died. The mortality rate is 2.25.

photo: AMG

12:42 – Lončar: 23,000 people returned, 36 had symptoms on the day of their return

From Friday at 6 p.m. until today, 23,000 citizens have returned to Serbia, and half of them arrived from Montenegro, says Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar. Loncar said 36 people already had symptoms of the corona virus on the day of their return.

“If we hadn’t done the oversight and they had gone unnoticed at 36, it would have been 360 in a couple of days, and then a much higher number in a few more days,” Loncar told reporters after visiting the works at KCS.

The minister appealed to citizens not to relax, to continue to respect the measures: masks, distance, hand hygiene.

“Forgetting celebrations and celebrations is not the time for that. Take care in transportation,” Loncar said, adding that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is one of the best in the region.

As he himself says, currently 67 health workers test positive for the corona virus, two of whom are in the hospital.

12.26 – In Čačak General Hospital without admission and discharge of patients

In all the wards of the Čačak General Hospital, which were converted into one ward, 5 patients were hospitalized. In the last 24 hours, there was no admission or discharge of patients. In the last 24 hours, 23 patients were examined with symptoms and signs of covid infection at the admission triage clinic of the Čačak General Hospital, of which 15 were the first examinations.

11:40 – For 10 days, 45 employees at Sremčica’s house have not gone home

Employees of the “Sremcica” Institution in Belgrade, where children and young people with disabilities live, have been in complete quarantine at this institution for the last 10 days.

10.55 – Uzice: 6 hospitalized, 3 in serious condition

Six positive and suspected covid-19 patients were hospitalized at Uzice General Hospital, three of whom are connected to a ventilator, Uzice Health Center PR Danijela Vasiljevic announced today. She also claimed that 38 patients were housed at the kovid temporary hospital in Krčagovo. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 838 cases of kovid-19 infection have been confirmed in Uzice, and in the period from September 16 to 22, five new cases were registered in that city, according to the Uzice Institute of Public Health.

9.59 – 23,000 people registered their stay abroad

Returnees on vacation continue to apply for and take a self-assessment test through the e-Health app. The deputy director of the Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut”, Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, says that since Friday, 23,000 of our citizens who have returned from abroad have reported and that 36 suspects in covid 19 have been sent to the covid ambulance.

9.36 – Approximately 60 students have been infected since the beginning of the school year.

Education Minister Mladen Šarčević said today that since the start of the new school year in Serbia, some 60 students have been infected with the corona virus, which, he estimated, is a “low result” considering that there is a total 850,000 students.

8.37 – Kon reveals details of new measures

The surveillance measure that was introduced on Friday at 6 p.m. is not only intended for the current circumstances, but is expected to extend to the holiday period, said a member of the Crisis Staff, epidemiologist Predrag Kon today.

8.36 – REVOLUTIONARY: We can inhale the Corona vaccine

The coronavirus vaccine, which everyone eagerly awaits, may not be given by injection alone but will be inhaled, British experts announce, announcing that they will test two leading corona vaccines in patients to see if they have a better effect when are inhaled. Experts in Serbia do not rule out this possibility and say that the goal of such a vaccine is to improve local immunity and stop the virus at the very entrance of infection.

7.22 – Respiratory infections started, like knowing that it is not a crown

The absences of children have already started in Belgrade schools due to respiratory infections, which does not necessarily mean that the crown is in question, but the symptoms are usually the same as with kovid 19, but also allergies.


The World Health Organization states on its official website that the virus begins with a fever, followed by a dry cough, and after a week causes shortness of breath, and then patients need hospital treatment. Some of the symptoms that are also listed are headache, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath.

Regarding temperature, the WHO states that there is usually a gradual increase in body temperature. In people with weaker immunity, in older people and young children, there is a possibility that this virus can affect the lower respiratory organs, so pneumonia or bronchitis can develop.

Make sure you take precautions

* Avoid contact with people who show signs of respiratory infection (cough, sneeze, runny nose, fever);

* Avoid massive meetings and stays in a space where there are a large number of people;

* Increase hand hygiene (wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or if this is not possible, use alcoholic gels to disinfect hands, especially after contact with sick people or staying in a potentially endangered area;

* It is recommended to wear masks before the mouth and nose if staying in an area where there are massive concentrations;

* It is mandatory to adhere to the protection measures against the transmission of the infection in all the people who feel the symptoms of a respiratory infection.

* Avoid contact with live or dead domestic or wild animals.

(, RTS)

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