In two weeks the number of infected has INCREASED 11 TIMES, as the main blow is yet to come, it is certain that we will have THOUSANDS OF SICK IN 24 HOURS


Less than two weeks ago, on October 12, Serbia had only 67 new coronavirus virus infections in 24 hours, and yesterday, with 757 new cases, a black record was set since the start of the kovida-19 pandemic in this zone.

In less than two weeks, the number of new patients has increased more than 11 times, there has been a royal corona explosion, so everyone is rightly wondering what their peak will be, their main stroke and how long it will last.

As the peak of the third wave is still expected, it is now almost certain that at some point, like our neighbors in Croatia and Slovenia, we will have more than 1,000 infected daily.

– It is difficult to imagine that we will not pass through a region with thousands of infected, if we do not adhere to the measures. We behave very similarly. We have a difference in the fact that we suppressed the second wave, so we had a period of peace, that’s the only difference – said a few days ago the epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff, Dr. Predrag Kon.

Crown charts by dayPhoto: Blic / RAS Serbia

Crown charts by day

As you noted, this wave is expected to last 12-16 weeks, and Belgrade is currently at the end of the third week.

The mathematical forecasts of prof. Petra Kočovića.

– The peak of the third wave could be between November 5 and 15. But if the situation gets out of control, it can be longer, Kocovic said.

Infectious Disease Clinic in BelgradePhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Infectious Disease Clinic in Belgrade

It cannot be said exactly why the crown exploded in mid-October, not only in Serbia but in all neighboring countries. Apparently, the start of the new school year is not to blame for that, we have overcome it very well, but neither is the return of our people from summer vacations from crisis destinations.

In some ways, the most logical explanation is that the somewhat colder climate is indirectly responsible for that, that people from the beaches and gardens moved to closed facilities where the transmission of kovida-19 is much faster and easier. Especially due to the appearance of a large number of asymptomatic cases, people who do not even dream of being infected, and who represent real walking corona bombs.

And as the number of infected increases, so do the chances that the virus will spread to businesses, public transport, cafes, clubs and even schools.
