IN TWO DAYS, TWO CRIMINAL CRIMES IN NOVI PAZAR A random passerby was shot in the chest, scared citizens, on the streets POLICE AND GENDARMERY OF KRALJEVO


In just two days in the very center of Novi Pazar, and in broad daylight, there were two criminal clashes. In one of the shootings, a passerby, a young woman who went to pick up a child from kindergarten, was shot in the chest, while in the other, fortunately, there were no innocent victims. Because of all this, the public is upset and the presence of the police in the streets has increased.

An MK man (39) and a passerby were seriously injured in a shooting that took place on December 15 in one of the central streets of Novi Pazar. As we found out, Father HA and his son AA were driving through town when they saw MK in another car that they had been in conflict with for a long time. They pulled out a gun and shot him. According to some reports, the attacked MK returned fire, so it is not yet known whose bullet hit the unfortunate woman, who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. MK received a bullet in the back in the confrontation and was taken to hospital, according to unofficial information, he is in stable condition.

To make the situation even more bizarre, this armed attack took place on the street where the Novi Pazar Police Department is located. The police were the first to come to the aid of the wounded, and father and son, who initially fled the scene of the confrontation, soon surrendered to the police.

Father and son, Hidajet A. (45) and Anes A. (23) are the owners of a nightclub in Novi Pazar.

One possible motive for a father-son confrontation with Mesudin K. is a fight at Hidayet’s nightclub that took place in early November, when he and several other unknown men beat and broke the skull of a young man from AS de Ribarić, a close relative of the man who was shot.

Local sheriff

The arrested Hidayet is already known to the police for his problematic behavior, and his fellow citizens in Novi Pazar also know him, since he owns a strip club where, as they say, suspicious characters come.

Although the official profile of Hidayet’s bar says that it is a “popular library” and a “cafe”, based on the photos posted on the page, it can easily be concluded that it is more than a cafe, as almost all the images show girls naked in the laundry room in provocative poses. and in the arms of different men ..

The bullet stayed in his lungs

Dr. Izet Tutić, a well-known surgeon from Novi Pazar, told “Kurir” that the woman was in serious condition, was bleeding heavily, was in shock and upset.

– He just repeated: “What happened?”, And also mentioned his son, for whom he went to kindergarten. They hit her on the right side of the chest, we had to intervene urgently, there was no time to wait. We managed to stop the bleeding and stabilize the condition – said Dr. Tutić.

Two days later he was shot through a cafe window.

The second shooting in this city occurred just two days later when an unknown assailant from the street, through the window of a cafe, opened fire on Nihad B. (37) and seriously wounded him.

An armed attacker, running down the street in the center of this city, fired through the window and, by sheer luck, there were no more injuries.

A video of this attack was soon posted on social media and surprised everyone. The attacker fled on foot down a side street in an unknown direction after the shooting.

According to the Indeksonline portal, the shooting was preceded by the extraction of a firearm yesterday in a restaurant in the center of that city, when a man entered the parking lot with a firearm.

Greater police presence

Due to these two armed clashes in broad daylight and in the city center, the presence of the police in the streets of Novi Pazar has increased since today. The Interior Minister, Aleksandar Vulin, was in this city last night and said that “the citizens of Novi Pazar do not deserve to live in a city where people are killed, where weapons can be carried and shot with impunity.” He added that he was upset by the events in this city and that mutual recognition of criminals should not be possible.

As of this morning, the Kraljevo Gendarmerie has been in Novi Pazar, which will closely monitor the criminals in this city.

The meeting at the Police Administration in Novi Pazrau was also attended by Director of Police Vladimir Rebić, Deputy Directors Slobodan Malešić and Dejan Kovačević, Head of Internal Control Sector Dejan Kovačević, Commander of the Gendarmerie Detachment in Kraljevo Boban Krpović, Head of the Criminal Police Bogdan Pušić, Chief of Police and the Head of the Novi Pazar Police Administration, Nermin Ljaljić.
