In this country, they do not recognize the negative test carried out in Serbia



25.12.2020. 23:12

As of today, it is possible to enter Slovenia without going into quarantine only with a negative PCR test from the EU, that is, the Schengen area, and no more than 24 hours, it is stated in the decision published on the website of the Slovenian Embassy in Belgrade.


Slovenia, Photo: EPA

With the new decision, it is no longer possible to enter with a negative PCR test that was carried out in institutions in Serbia or another country outside the EU, that is, the Schengen area.

As indicated, entry to Slovenia from the red list country, including Serbia, without allowing home quarantine or without attaching a negative test result for the presence of the corona virus, is allowed with only seven exceptions.

This measure does not apply to cross-border daily labor migration, that is, to people who are employed in one of the EU Member States or in another Schengen country, of which they have proof, that is, a signed statement showing the reason for crossing the border as daily migrant workers and returning within 14 hours of crossing the border.

Another exception is people who are sent to or from the performance of tasks in the international transport sector and demonstrate this when crossing the border with a certificate for workers in the international transport sector, a certificate from the Green Lanes Commission or other document. relevant where it can be seen. employer.

The new measure does not apply to people who transport goods to or from Slovenia in commercial traffic, as well as to the transport of goods in transit and leave Slovenia within eight hours of crossing the border.

The fourth exception to the new measure is people traveling in transit through Slovenia and leaving it no later than six hours after entry.

The fifth exception is the representatives of a foreign security body (police or judiciary), which performs an official task and leaves Slovenia as soon as possible after the task is completed.

The sixth exception is people who were brought to Slovenia by ambulance or ambulance, as well as the medical escort accompanying them in that vehicle, and the seventh exception is people with diplomatic passports.

As noted, exceptions no longer apply due to participation in parenting and education, due to urgent business reasons, due to a planned emergency medical procedure or examination, for two landowners or landowners at the border or in both sides of the state border, due to the fact that they maintain contacts with immediate relatives. for access to shops and services in the neighboring state. In all these cases, it is necessary to have a negative test, otherwise the person will be sent to quarantine, emphasizes the Embassy of Slovenia.
