In THESE parts of the country there is COLLAPSE, stronger branches in Belgrade, frequent traffic accidents (PHOTO / VIDEO)


Snow falls in most of Serbia and, in some areas, causes great problems for citizens and drivers.


17.58 – Traffic near Ivanjica, three injured

On the snowy main Arilje-Ivanjica road near the town of Klisura, shortly after 3 in the afternoon, a traffic accident occurred when a “golf” car crossed to the opposite side and hit the ambulance of the Ivanjica Emergency Service .

17.40 – In Belgrade, stronger branches

17.12 – For trucks due to snow, traffic stops near NV and PP

Due to snowfall, the traffic of cargo motor vehicles with trailer and semi-trailer was suspended on the section of the state road from Bistrica to Borova Glava near Nova Varoš and on the part of the state road Kolovrat-Jabuka near Prijepolje, today announced the EP “Roads of Serbia”. Drivers are advised to use winter tires, respect the speed limits and adjust their speed to the winter road conditions. All traffic participants, due to their safety and the safety of other traffic participants, are advised to respect traffic regulations and adjust their speed to the road conditions, states the EP “Roads of Serbia” in a statement.

16.57 – First snow in Belgrade!

In some parts of Belgrade, light snow began to rain during the afternoon.

16.51 – Traffic jam on the road from Kokino Brod to Zlatibor due to a collision

The main road from Kokino Brod to Zlatibor has been interrupted for more than an hour due to a traffic accident that occurred at the same pass near Borova glava. According to Novosti, the accident occurred when a passenger car collided with a truck. According to the drivers in the kilometer column, there is more than 5 centimeters of snow on the road. Also, an additional problem for drivers is caused by trucks that are covered in snow on the road due to snow. The roads in the Zlatar heights around Vodena Poljana were also snowy, and it is also snowing in the Nova Varoš area, where about 15 centimeters of snow fell on the city itself.

16.53 – Don’t panic if you get left in the trash!

Due to the constantly falling snow today, the Mountain Rescue Service (GSS) has issued recommendations for the trip to the mountains of Serbia.

16:34 – On roads with up to 10 cm of snow, beware of ice

The roads in Sjenica, Novi Pazar, Tutin, Raska, Kraljevo, Nis, Ivanjica, Zajecar, Pirot, at the approaches to Kopaonik and Divcibare, as well as in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are wet and there is five to 10 centimeters of snow , announced today the EP “Roads of Serbia”. “The entrances to winter resorts are passable, and the EP” Roads of Serbia “advises drivers not to hit the road without winter gear and chains, and if they decide to travel, they should drive carefully and cautiously. Due to the low temperatures announced, there is the possibility of occasional ice on the roads, and especially in sections that extend along rivers, valleys, streams, as well as road facilities.

As announced, the roads are wet in the low areas, there is snow in some places in a wet state up to five centimeters on the territory of Belgrade, Ivanjica, Kosovo, Nis, Novi Pazar, Valjevo, Zajecar. In Zajecar it is cloudy, it rains of moderate to strong intensity in most of the territory, while in the territory of Lukovo and Bor it is snowing. Due to the appearance of fog and blizzards in Čestobrodica, visibility was reduced from 50 to 70 meters. There are small landslides along unstable stone slopes, in gorges, cuts, notches. Most of them are located on the Djerdap highway, where careful driving is advised and compliance with road signs, which report landslides. There is the possibility of fog on the roads, and especially in the sections that extend along the river courses, valleys, streams as well as in the road facilities through the rivers. There is fog on the highway Paracin – Boljevac – Zajecar – state border with Bulgaria (border crossing Vrska Cuka). Due to the upcoming holidays, increased traffic intensity to all winter resorts is expected, and “Roads of Serbia” calls on all traffic participants to adjust their speed to the road conditions and to respect the Traffic regulations.

15.05 – On Sunday, all of Serbia under weather alarm

On Sunday and Monday, snow everywhere, with the creation of an increase in the height of the snow cover, and more precipitation is expected in the central and southern areas of our country, announced RHMZ.

14.50 – Almost half a meter of snow in Ivanjica and Sjenica

The snow that has been falling in the area of ​​the Ivanjica municipality since yesterday has currently reached a height of up to 40 centimeters in the highest areas, while in the lower areas of the municipality there is five to ten centimeters of snow.

13.11 – Gjakova is evacuated

Heavy rains caused a landslide on the “Ibrahim Rugova” road, on the Vermica-Đurđica stretch, but the road is passable, announced the Pristina Ministry of Infrastructure.

07.08 – Snow is coming!


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