In the pocket of each pensioner, about 1,700 more dinars, what about wages?


With the January increase, the average pension this year will be 29,400 dinars, in the pocket of each pensioner about 1,700 more dinars and in the pension fund budget up to 724 billion dinars.

“The amount of pensions is growing much more than the rate of inflation, and we are fulfilling that promise in this way. What is especially important for all citizens of Serbia is that the part of the budget subsidies to the Insurance Fund of Pensions and Disability is decreasing from year to year, “said Finance Minister Sinisa. Little.

From January to December, the women will retire at the age of 63 years and two months.

This is the last year that women need less seniority to retire earlier than men. Starting next year, both need 40 years of work to be able to retire with penalty points.

Among those who have not reached retirement, and work in the health sector, as of this month they have a salary increase of five percent, the other three and a half percent, with an increase of another 1.5 percent. cent in April. The new minimum price of labor is valid for everyone this year, higher by 6.6 per cent, bringing the minimum to more than 32,000 dinars.

“That means an increase in costs for employers. We have received certain compensation, so globally it will not bother all employers. However, those who have already paid these minimum wages will certainly be affected by an additional burden.” says Nebojsa Atanackovic of the Serbian Employers’ Union.

Approximately 350,000 workers receive that salary, regardless of that, all employers received an increase in the non-taxable part of the salary, which is now 18,300 dinars. The line minister says the burden of labor taxes will continue.

“I am more inclined, if I may say so, to overburden the results of work. So if someone makes a profit, to make it more taxed, and not the work itself, because it is a strategy that stimulates the labor market, encourages new jobs, reduces the shadow economy “, says Siniša Mali.

From the fiscal newspapers this year, the announcement that there will be legal changes in the taxation of the self-employed, and the employers who took the opportunity to postpone the payment of taxes and contributions due to the epidemic, will be reimbursed in 24 installments instead of January, starting February 10.
