In the next month, we have two scenarios, here is which one


The epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff for the suppression of the coronavirus, Branislav Tiodorović, said that he is considering the introduction of a PCR test for everyone who enters the country or a test that demonstrates the presence of antibodies, that is, that the person has had a crown.

Speaking of what awaits us next month in regards to the epidemiological situation, Tiodorović said that cold months are coming, when the humidity is higher, which corresponds to the virus, and that therefore the number of infected people will increase.

“In the next month, we have two scenarios. The first is that if we respect the measurements, we can expect that number to be in the double digits, so well, even when it becomes triple digits like now, it is not that drastic, it is just It is important to keep the situation under control. That can only be done by respecting the measures, “said Tiodorović.

He affirmed that the second scenario is unfavorable, and that is that we cannot ensure that the measures are respected, that we take a leap, and there are conditions for that, because the epidemic breaks out in Serbia.

“Nothing is difficult or complicated, just respect the measures we have been repeating for months, wear masks indoors, have a five-foot baby, maintain hygiene and most importantly, forget about celebrations, celebrations, gatherings in this period of fight against the virus, “he stressed. is Tiodorovic.

(, Blic)

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