In the most severe forms, there are clinical pictures that APPEAR SEPSIS


The director of KBC “Bežanijska kosa”, Dr. Marija Zdravković, said that the corona virus is a very strange disease and a serious disease, which we still do not understand.

– It attacks all organs and is probably its target endothelial cells, these are the cells found in each capillary. This virus is a systemic disease and in the most serious forms there are clinical pictures that look like sepsis, it is a very serious disease – said Dr. Zdravković.

The doctor pointed out that we are facing a very strange disease.

– This disease is very strange and I think we still don’t understand it. We have 90-year-olds who leave the hospital on their feet, and on the other hand, yesterday we had a 34-year-old young man, whose leg we had to amputate because he had a thromboembolism, we don’t know how or why – he said.

He pointed out that he believes that all the measures taken by the Crisis Staff since the beginning of the pandemic came into effect at the right time, and that they were not late.

– I believe that the new measures were adopted in a timely manner, they were not late and I believe that since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been doing everything correctly and as the situation dictates – said Dr. Zdravković and added.

– We work every day, we are committed to the maximum. Anesthesiologists and nurses have borne a great burden, working with the most difficult patients, he stressed.

VIDEO: Six Questions About the Coronavirus Vaccine
