In the last 24 hours, 4 patients died in Nis, including a famous professor, and 11 are fighting for their lives.


Despite all the efforts of the doctors at the Clinical Center in Nis, four patients with confirmed coronavirus have died in the last 24 hours.

Among those killed is Zoran Kostić (52), a physics teacher at the “Josif Kostić” and “Svetozar Marković” primary schools in Leskovac.

– He was admitted six days ago in poor condition. There were improvements two days ago, so we were hoping that he would overcome the disease. However, last night the condition suddenly worsened, he was intubated and placed on artificial ventilation, but we could not save his life – said the head of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Clinic and the deputy director of the Nis Radmilo Jankovic Clinical Center.

Currently 195 patients are hospitalized in the covid facilities of the Nis Clinical Center. The presence of the virus was confirmed in 128 patients. There are no children among the hospitalized patients. Eleven patients are connected to artificial ventilation devices and are in a very serious general condition.

All patients are under 24-hour supervision and detailed monitoring of vital functions by doctors and medical personnel.


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Author: delivery courier
