In the first attempt to liquidate Stojanović, a Spaniard, now Colombian, was killed


FATAL DRIVING OF LATIN GIRLS WITH FEAR: In the first attempt to liquidate Stojanović, a Spaniard, now Colombian, was killed

Photo: Private archive, Printscreen / Instagram

This time, Colombian Sonja Suárez Gómez (45), who was also injured, was with him in the car at the time of the explosion. After the explosion, according to witnesses, she screamed and cried in Spanish and sat on the street waiting for the ambulance.

There are many photos with Strahinja on Sonja’s Instagram profile, showing that they were in an intimate relationship and traveled around Serbia before the accident. She posted pictures of Kopaonik and Zlatibor where the two stayed over the summer.

This is the second time a bomb has been planted on Strahinja’s car, but luckily he escaped death two years ago. It is obvious that the executors did not abandon their plan and this time they managed to liquidate Stojanović.

To remind you, in early August 2018, an “Audi” driven by Strahinja exploded in the Galenika settlement on Svetozara Papića street in Zemun. However, he was lucky then, and he was unharmed because he got out of the car before the explosion to go find the phone he forgot in the apartment.

However, in that explosion, his then-girlfriend, the Spaniard and former Miss Marbella, Olac Bilbao González, was seriously injured and remained in the car. The former Miss Marbella of 2014 was collateral damage in the war of criminal clans linked to Luka Bojović.

The car burned down and the girl managed to save herself by getting out of the vehicle. Later, doctors found her lying next to the car. González suffered serious injuries and a fight ensued to prevent his legs being amputated, and thanks to the skills and experience of Serbian doctors, that did not happen.

He was recovering in Belgrade for a long time, two years later he was with Stojanović in a jeep that was flown by a Colombian who seemed to do better than his Spanish predecessor.

Photo by Damir Dervišagić, Private Archive, Printscreen / Instagram

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Author: delivery courier
