In Šumadija, 44.8 percent of those who tested positive for coronavirus


In the Šumadija district area, 335 people have been infected with coronavirus in the last 24 hours, announced the Kragujevac Institute of Public Health (IZJZ), and that is the data as of 5 in the afternoon.

Kragujevac has 227 recently infected Kovid-19 citizens, followed by Arandjelovac with 38 infected with Kovid-19, Batočina a record 27, Topola has 18, Rača 12, Lapovo seven and Knić six infected citizens.

The “Kraguj” laboratory in IZJZ tested 748 swabs and 44.79 percent are positive relative to the number tested in Šumadija.

IZJZ also registered an infected person from Varvarin, Žabar and Lazarevac.

There are 4,322 people in home isolation in the Šumadija district, mostly from Kragujevac (3,507), Arandjelovac (368) and Topola (139).

There is no information for eight days from the Kovid temporary hospital at the Šumadija fair, because the acting director of the Clinical Center, Predrag Sazdanović, denies public information about the number and condition of the patients.

The coronavirus is not mentioned at all on the KC Kragujevac website, and since the beginning of the Kovida-19 pandemic, the Kragujevac crisis staff and the Clinical Center have not announced the number of deaths from coronavirus.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
