In Slovenia, two more of the 12 regions went from orange to red on Friday, meaning that restrictive measures introduced due to the coronavirus epidemic are now valid in a total of nine regions.
Residents of the red regions cannot leave their region, although there are exceptions, such as going to work or to the doctor.

Furthermore, a total ban on meetings and celebrations of public events, weddings and religious ceremonies is in force in these regions. Bars, restaurants and sports facilities are closed, while hairdressers and beauty salons can accommodate one client each.
As of Friday, the ban on gathering more than 10 people is in force throughout Slovenia. The use of masks is mandatory indoors, outdoors, in a car when transporting a person who is not a member of the same household.
For fifth graders, classes will be held remotely until at least the fall break, which begins in the last week of October, after which this decision will be reconsidered. The same measure will apply to high school students, while it is recommended that the faculties move to this form of teaching.
When it comes to borders, the same rules still apply in Slovenia for now.
Today new epidemiological measures lasting 14 days have entered into force in the Croatian capital. The measures were introduced due to the increase in the number of patients with covid-19, which was confirmed today in 987 Zagreb residents, mostly since the start of the pandemic.
The new epidemiological measures include, but are not limited to, the use of protective masks in all closed spaces where public or social activities, events, cultural or other programs, religious gatherings or other social gatherings are held, if it is not possible to maintain a physical distance of at least two meters.

The measures include the mandatory use of masks in an open space where it is not possible to maintain a physical distance of at least two meters.
Measures related to the social protection system are also coming into force, which, among other things, include a ban on visits to users of accommodation services in nursing homes and a ban on users leaving these institutions.
On the territory of all Croatia, cafes and restaurants have been prohibited from working after midnight, and all guests must wear masks in all premises, except at the table. On Wednesday a provision came into force according to which each restaurant establishment must provide guards who will monitor compliance with the measures, one for every 50 diners.
The owners of catering establishments that do not ensure the implementation of the measures will have to pay a fine, and at this time the authorities are not considering sanctioning natural persons.
In Croatia, the provision on the mandatory use of masks indoors, where a distance of two meters is not possible, is currently in force, with the recommendation that in these situations, protective masks are also used outdoors.
Organizers of social gatherings are required to request consent for the gathering no later than five days before a planned event, and crisis staff will make a decision on the matter based on the epidemiological situation, within 48 hours.
In Montenegro, new temporary epidemiological measures have been in force since Thursday in the Cetinje municipality area, due to the increase in the number of patients.

The city market and the commission goods market were closed for 14 days, and all Cetinje secretariats, directorates and services temporarily suspended work with the parties.
The municipal team has decided to temporarily close all outdoor playgrounds and training fields, as well as recreational areas in city parks, where it is possible to gather more people.
The associations of the elderly, recreational and sports organizations of collective sports were recommended to temporarily suspend their activities. Gym and fitness club owners are advised to strictly adhere to measures of respect for the number of people and physical distance within the gym, as well as the periodic disinfection of devices and means available to users.
New restrictive measures could also be introduced in Kolašin, Budva, Pljevlja and Ulcinj, where, according to the latest data, the cumulative frequency is above 800 per 100,000 inhabitants.
In municipalities where the frequency rate is between 800 and 1,199, the operation of catering services is prohibited, except for hotel guests, as well as meeting in residential facilities for people who are not members of a joint family home. In these municipalities distance education is carried out.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the provision on the mandatory use of masks and outdoors, in the Sarajevo canton, came into force on Thursday, due to the increase in the number of infected, which will be in force until December 31.
The use of protective masks is mandatory indoors and outdoors for all except for athletes in matches, training and sports activities, cyclists, electric scooters and motorcycles, with other exceptions.
In addition, in the Sarajevo canton, legal entities have been instructed to ensure slippery working hours in order to reduce congestion on public transport. In addition, primary and secondary schools were ordered to organize work from 7.30 to 9.00, in order to ease the burden of public transport.
North Macedonia’s Health Minister Venko Filipce said on Friday that the crisis headquarters had proposed the adoption of new restrictions, including a total ban on public events, the closure of all facilities at 11 p.m. and the reduction of public transport capacity by 50 percent.
The Western Balkan region is experiencing an increase in the number of people infected by the coronavirus, and a record number of cases has been recorded in most countries, so this area is becoming a new European focus.

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Author: delivery courier