In Serbia, there is a mountain with 16 lakes, 40 waterfalls and 17 monasteries, and it is threatened by SIX DISASTERS


Fruška gora with 16 lakes, 40 waterfalls and some of the most beautiful parts of Serbia is a pearl of nature. It is also the Serbian holy mountain, with 17 monasteries. All of this is in jeopardy due to neglect, destruction and contamination.

Beli Majdan Cave, Ledinačko Lake, Kišelez Grassland, Lake Moharač, the Irish Crown, countless vineyards, picnic areas, dense forests are just a part of the natural beauties of Fruška gora. It also houses a large number of cultural monuments, 35 Orthodox monasteries were built, most of them from the 15th to the 18th century, of which 17 have been preserved. We are destroying the forest with logging and fires without measure, we have left abandoned buildings like ghost houses …

Novi Sad, Fruska Gora, rain and mist scattered Fruska Gora tourists Photo: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia
Novi Sad, Fruska Gora, rain and mist scattered Fruska Gora tourists

Nature lovers, environmentalists and mountaineers warn that, due to all that, we will not be able to save Fruška gora from destruction. The situation, they say, is such that if a clear strategy on how to stop the bad phenomena in the oldest national park is not adopted soon, the rich natural and historical treasure will exist only on paper.

Mountaineer Dušan Tomić says that he has visited many national parks in Europe, but that Fruška gora is no longer that.

– The story that mass deforestation is planned simply does not hold. Everything is being cut alive, motorcycles, trucks and tractors are running non-stop, we will be able to see Vrdnik from Novi Sad in a moment. Where there were trees, now there is a bush. They put gravel on the hiking trails. The visitors themselves are negligent, there are those who leave everything behind. In the vicinity of weekend settlements and towns, the stubble burns constantly, people are obsessed with it, above and at the edge of the forest. It is as if we all agreed to destroy Fruška gora – said Tomić.

In the Fruška Gora National Park, they say the situation is very complex. They claim that the same people are often punished for littering or illegally cutting, serving their miserable punishments and continuing disobedience. According to them, there are those who engage in illegal logging to survive, and there are also those who come from other parts of Serbia only to participate in poaching, forest theft, and building a wild object. Due to the new law, the guards were left without weapons, so the thieves attacked them with axes and chainsaws. The Fruška gora protected area covers approximately 26,000 hectares, that is, a length of just over 80 kilometers and an average width of approximately fifteen kilometers.

Novi Sad114 Fruska Gora vineyards Photo: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia
Novi Sad114 Fruska Gora vineyards

As we discovered in the provincial government, one of the proposals that could be considered to preserve Fruška gora is the possibility that those who destroy the environment will be punished for disturbing the natural good, and not just for littering or illegal logging. Although the Nature Protection Act provides something like this, and the fines are up to three million dinars for legal entities, in practice it has rarely been enforced so far, environmentalists say. The extent to which Fruška enjoys as a national park is in danger is also shown in the six examples of destruction that “Blic” brings.

one) Cutting down trees

There is almost no path that is not obstructed by logs. “Gole seče” is located in the towns Zmajevac – Vrdnik, near the hangar in Paragovo, restaurant “Arena”, towards the TV tower, Lake Ledinačko …

The National Park says they cut according to plan, but the problem is in the illegal cutting of trees.

Novi Sad483 fruska gora cut woods Photo: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia
Novi Sad483 fruska gora cut woods

2) Trash

Trash just can’t go unnoticed in almost every place, and whoever gets where it is is thrown in the trash.

– Citizens think that the communal services of the park regularly take out the garbage, and that is not true, but only in an emergency. You’ll be greeted by a pile of trash in picnic areas, mountaineers say, who often clean it up themselves, but to no avail.

3) Ghost houses

Fruška gora became a cemetery for hotels, resorts and hospitals, once famous, but today they are ghost houses.

The hotels “Osovlje”, “Ležimir” and the old tourist complex “Pošta” are just some of the approximately twenty abandoned and dilapidated buildings that anyone can enter today. It is owned by companies that failed a long time ago, and they are located mainly in the most beautiful places and viewpoints.

4) Fires

On the edges of the NP, above the settlements, locals and weekend dwellers often burn stubble and the fires spread to the edges of the forest. The NP believes that only proper punishment can solve that. Firefighters extinguished the forest near Ležimir on Monday, and the fire was caused by a man who was burning yard waste.

Novi Sad109 Wild Filling of Fruska Gora near Bukovac Photo: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia
Novi Sad109 Wild Filling of Fruska Gora near Bukovac

5) Landfills

The Tancoš – Beočin legal landfill is located only 900 meters from the National Park and covers 35,000 square meters.

On the other hand, every town in Fruška Gora has at least one illegal dump in its vicinity. Although utility companies remove them from time to time, they cannot eliminate the effects that wastes have left on the ground, water, and air. Even animal carcasses are dumped in illegal landfills.

6) Destroyed roads

Many roads in Fruška Gora have not been repaired for decades. Such is one of the busiest, said Partizanski, 70 kilometers long. It is under the jurisdiction of six municipalities, which cannot agree on renewal.

Novi Sad32 poecena suma na Fruskoj gora foto Preview of Nenaad MihajlovicPhoto: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia
Novi Sad32 poecena suma na Fruskoj gora foto Preview of Nenaad Mihajlovic

Collecting signatures to stop cutting trees in Fruška gora

The “Defend the Forests of Fruška Gora” (OŠFG) movement started in the center of Novi Sad with the collection of signatures to stop deforestation in Fruška Gora.

The action began on March 12, and Movement activists will collect signatures on Zmaj Jovina Street and in the center of Novi Sad.

By signing, he supports the Movement’s proposals calling for an urgent stop to deforestation and the introduction of a moratorium on deforestation in Fruška gora for 20 years.

The Movement explains its demands for the low afforestation of Vojvodina (6.5%), and states that the commercial exploitation of the Fruška gora forests is an unsustainable practice, writes 021.

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