In Novi Pazar, many had coronavirus, but without symptoms


The director of the Institute of Public Health in Novi Pazar, Sefadil Spahic, said today that the latest tests of coronavirus patients in that city show that 55% have IGG antibodies, indicating that many of them had the virus, but without symptoms. characteristic.

Source: Beta

Illustration photo: depositphotos / AndrewLozovyi

Illustration photo: depositphotos / AndrewLozovyi

“In the last few days, most of our fellow citizens whose serological (rapid) test for coronavirus has been shown to be positive, the PCR test is negative. So a few days ago, out of 17 positive IGMs in the PCR test, we only had one positive or six IGM one or none. positive, “Spahić told Radio Sto plus of Novi Pazar.

He said the situation is monitored regularly and all IGM-positive patients should be referred for PCR testing.

Additionally, Spahić stated that two patients were isolated in the gynecology department and are currently the only isolated patients who are awaiting the results of the PCR test.

Previously, a patient was isolated in the surgery room, who was transferred to the covid center after receiving a positive PCR test, Spahić added.

According to the latest data from the Emergency Situations Headquarters, there are 10 patients in the internal and infectious department of the Covid Regional Center in Novi Pazar, three of whom are newly admitted and awaiting results.

Yesterday, a patient was transferred to Kragujevac, and 81 people were examined in the Kovid Outpatient Clinic of the Health Center, of which 30 were in control and 51 in the first examination.

46 rapid tests were performed, of which six were IGM positive, while IGG antibodies were shown in 11 individuals.
