In Montenegro, 75,000 citizens of Serbia, says Janković, self-isolation is necessary


A member of the crisis staff, immunologist Srđa Janković, assessed that the epidemiological situation could worsen if citizens do not adhere to protection measures and affirmed the position of crisis staff that self-isolation is necessary as a form of protection of the people and the health.

“The situation could get worse if we are not careful,” Jankovic told RTS, commenting on his return from summer vacation and estimating that in Montenegro, which currently has the most unfavorable situation in Europe, there are about 75,000 Serbian citizens.

He was unable to discuss the decisions and recommendations expected Monday when Crisis Staff sit down, but said self-isolation is recommended in the peak coronavirus incubation period for anyone returning from an area where there is high virus activity or infection.

This recommendation does not have the force of a legal obligation, but it is no less important in the protection of health and life. There is no legal force of coercion and no logistical apparatus that can control that, but crisis personnel believe that self-isolation is necessary because that is the only way we will protect the people and health of all of us, Janković said.

He suggested that protection measures should now be applied even more rigorously so that the virus does not spread.

Jankovic is convinced that for many citizens it is clear that protection against the spread of the virus is “in the general interest” and that there should be a general consensus on wearing masks, keeping distance, washing hands, disinfecting work surfaces , avoid large gatherings because there is still the possibility of spreading the infection. .

“If as many of us as possible implement it, we should not be afraid of further deterioration scenarios,” Janković said.

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