In less than 48 hours the weather will change abruptly



05/02/2020 15:46 – 05/02/2020. 16:23

According to the weather forecast for next week, it is expected to be partly cloudy on Monday, with sunny and dry periods.

rain, weather, weather

rain, weather, weather, Photo: Alo! / Masanori Yoshida

In Serbia, tomorrow will be partly cloudy and windy, in the west and southwest with some rain or showers.

In eastern and southern Serbia it will be moderately to fully cloudy, partly cloudy with light rain during the day, while precipitation and clearing are expected in the afternoon.

The wind will be moderate, occasionally strong, to the northwest.

The morning temperature will be from 5 to 14 degrees and the daily maximum will be from 14 to 19 degrees.

Belgrade will be overcast on Sunday with a moderate, occasionally strong, wind from the northwest.

The morning temperature will be around 11 and the highest daily will be around 18 degrees.

According to the weather forecast for next week, it is expected to be partly cloudy on Monday, with sunny and dry periods.

On Tuesday, a new storm and local thunderstorms will arrive, covering the north in the morning and then spreading to other parts of Serbia.

On Wednesday it will be cool, partly with rain and rains, with gradual cessation of rain and lightning in the afternoon and evening.

At the end of the period, it is dry and mostly sunny, with a gradual increase in temperature.

In Serbia, tomorrow will be partly cloudy and windy, in the west and southwest with some rain or showers.

In eastern and southern Serbia, it will be moderate to fully cloudy, partly cloudy with light rain during the day, and precipitation is expected after noon.

wind, rain, storm

wind, rain, storm, Photo: Alo! / Rajko Ristic
