In Kragujevac, 246 proven, 14 hospital admissions, THOUSANDS OF SELF-ISOLATION PATIENTS


THE SITUATION IS DURING IN THE DISTRICT OF ŠUMADIJA: In Kragujevac, 246 analyzed, 14 hospital admissions, THOUSANDS OF SELF-ISOLATED patients

Photo: City of Novi Sad, Zorana Jevtic, Beta / Sasa Djordjevic, Nebojsa Mandic

The situation with the crown has worsened in the Šumadija district, where some 2.5 thousand patients are in self-isolation, said today the regional coordinator of the Ministry of Health for kovid, Dr. Slobodan Milisavljević.

There are 114 covid patients at the Kragujevac Clinical Center, of whom 12 are on mechanical ventilation and 14 on high-flow ventilation, he said.

397 beds have been designated for kovid patients, of which 265 are free beds in the classic kovid wards and 17 places in intensive care.

Yesterday, 312 patients were examined at the respiratory clinic of the Health Center in Kragujevac, of which 246 were subjected to PCR tests and there were 14 admissions of covid patients and 11 discharges, and the Clinical Center is dominated by patients from the region of Šumadija said.

Milisavljevic pointed out that citizens of Serbia are treated the same as everyone else in the world, and that Serbian medical care operates according to the latest and regularly updated protocols.

Commenting on the number of covids in the countries around Serbia, he said that it was inevitable that the number of diseases would increase in Serbia as well.

He pointed out that in Kragujevac, the Šumadija Fair, as a hospital, it still does not accept patients, but is ready to start work at any time.

“It will be a great relief for everyone in the health care system to start work at the Kovid hospitals in Batajnica and Krusevac, which will be fully equipped and will have trained and experienced staff,” he said.

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Author: delivery courier
