In KBC “Bežanijska kosa”, the number of patients infected with corona increased


The number of patients at KBC Bežanijska kosa has increased significantly compared to the stable period that lasted about four to five weeks, says KBC Bežanijska kosa director Marija Zdravković.

– On Monday, there were 24 hospitalizations, and today 30 – said Dr. Zdravković for RTS, adding that the average age of patients is around 45, and that the majority are men.

Zdravković stated that KBC Bežanijska kosa currently has the largest number of patients, around 160, and that all of them are covered by the new therapeutic protocol.

He noted that it is very important that doctors know the patient’s previous illnesses and their health findings, because each patient is special.

He said that patients generally don’t know exactly how they got infected, unless they were infected by a family member.

However, a large number of them point out that he was among some crowds and that he did not wear the masks properly.
