In Asek’s case, the Prime Minister is defending foreign capital, and there are no such concerns when she attacks N1


Prime Minister Ana Brnabić views Marinika Tepić’s claims about the company’s business where her brother is the director as a political attack on foreign capital. However, a few months ago she herself criticized a company with foreign capital, that is, H1 television, which is part of the United Group.

On Thursday, the president of Serbia did not allow Ana Brnabić to answer questions from H1, to your responses to the claims of the Vice President of the Freedom and Justice Party, Marinika Tepic that the Aseko company, which employs the prime minister’s brother, received 40 million euros from the budget, waited until today.

The prime minister sees them as a political attack on a foreign investor. “Here Marinika Tepic mentally detonated again and, as always, it will cost the citizens of Serbia,” Brnabic said as a guest on TV Pink.

What Marinika Tepic claims is that the Aseko company’s business cost the citizens of Serbia 40 million euros, since Brnabic was prime minister. Ana Brnabić did not deny that figure about Pink, as well as other allegations. He sees Marinika Tepic’s claims as an attack on foreign capital.

“He attacked a Polish company from an EU country, that company is a foreign investor, but how will we pay for that, so that we have to explain to foreign investors that they are not a legitimate target of political dissidents,” Brnabic said.

Tepic responds that it did not attack a foreign company, but the Prime Minister.

“I showed that the strong millions of Serbian citizens are divided in the Aseko company, where his brother is the director. And that is right after 2017, after he took office as Prime Minister of Serbia,” Tepic notes.

While she condemned, as she puts it, the political attacks on the company where her brother is a director, the Prime Minister did not condemn her Government colleagues who attacked foreign-owned companies in recent years, including H1:

“You work on Luxembourg television with American capital!” (President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic)

“Luxembourg-based CIA American Television”. (Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic)

“For me, TV N1 has really become a political party in this campaign.” (Prime Minister Ana Brnabić)

Journalist Slobodan Stupar says that the only solution to this situation is a face-to-face collision:

“Show the accuser, go to court, allow a confrontation, and I suggest you call Marinika Tepic, or anyone who announces it, and confront or, in the end, fold the sheet, and then the court “. says Stupar.

The only tab that the Prime Minister has folded so far is the conversation with the President of the Council for the Fight against Corruption, to whom she said that she should pay special attention to the Aseko company, to which she said that, according to her, there is no need for that.
