IN 24 HOURS WE WILL FILL ALL HOSPITALS! What 5,000 infected people really mean in a day and why it SHOULD SCARE US


The crown broke all black records in Serbia yesterday! Never more dead, never more sick again and leading to despair: never more people have been hospitalized. Will our health system withstand the third blow, and by far the strongest, to Kovid?

Yesterday’s figure discouraged everyone: this wave is not giving up, so almost 5,000 new infected people have been registered throughout Serbia. No less dramatic is the number that speaks of how many are hospitalized in our hospitals: 4,963, a thousand more than the previous day, which broke another record. That is a number that is higher than the worst days in July when it is 15.7. 4,858 were hospitalized or supposedly. active cases.

Are we really aware of how many people there are when the numbers come true?

When we say that the healthcare system is about to be shot, we must bear in mind that a Military Medical Academy (MMA), as one of the largest hospitals in Serbia, accepts 1,214 bedridden patients. Let’s translate that literally: in Serbia, just because of the corona virus, four institutions like the Military Medical Academy were filled, and we don’t have a hospital of that size.

Corona charts infected for days

Photo: Ministry of Health / screenshot

Crown Charts Infected for Days

Hypothetically, if the 5,000 infected people demanded hospital treatment yesterday, we would need many large clinics, which are now the hope of the health system in Serbia, in one day. So it is not surprising that only moderate and severe cases are referred to hospital treatment …


Photo: Aleksandar Dimitrijevic / RAS Serbia

KBC “Dragisa Misovic”

In addition to the aforementioned MMA, KBC “Dragisa Misovic” receives 546 patients, KBC “Zvezdara” 950, KC Nis 1,525, KBC Zemun 400 patients, while the Infectious Diseases Clinic in the capital has about 175 beds.

All in all, we reached the figure of 4,810 hospital beds, which is still below the number of newly infected in the day before us! Yes, it is a clear indication of how difficult the situation is. However, if we add to that the staff who have to take care of all those infected, then it is clear that there is no joke with the corona virus in this third record wave.

Crown graph of number of deaths per day

Photo: Ministry of Health / screenshot

Crown graph of number of deaths per day

There are thousands of doctors who do not go home, who wear spacesuits even in the most difficult conditions, take them off after hours and hours and then a new day dawns and repeats itself. When we say that hospitals are overcrowded, we must also take into account how much each of the patients experiences a personal drama, a personal struggle that is different for everyone. Someone has a fever, someone has pneumonia, someone has a respirator. Each of them needs care, each needs breakfast, lunch and dinner, needs an infusion, an injection, a medicine and a visit. And that requires people.


Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

KBC “Bežanijska kosa”

The number of patients in this third wave clearly shows that there are no jokes. We surpassed the number of 1,000 newly infected for the first time on October 27 when we had 1,053. From then until today, we have had up to 52,548 new cases!

If we look at the official figures from the site, the number of crowns infected with the virus so far in Serbia is 92,375. This clearly tells us that the third wave is by far the most brutal – more infected than the previous two combined!

This black stat tells us a lot, but it doesn’t seem like anything positive. The figures we have presented are terrifying due to another fact: a new covid hospital will open soon in Batajnica with a capacity of around a thousand places, as announced.

Those thousand places can be looted in a fatal wave in one day, and there are many days ahead in this fight against the corona virus.

Zoran Gojkovic

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Zoran Gojkovic

Finally, it is worth remembering the words of the provincial health secretary, Zoran Gojković, from July.

– Be smart, we don’t have enough doctors to help you. The health system is overloaded, to put it mildly, warned then-provincial health secretary Zoran Gojković.

As noted at the time, the capacities were filled almost to the maximum.

– Every day we try to receive all patients with additional capacities, but you have to understand that this has an end. We cannot build hospitals in one day and no one has as many doctors who can work as continuously as our doctors who are overstretched. They have their fears and their families. It is more difficult for all of them when they make appeals to make people smart, because there will not be enough doctors to provide adequate help, said the provincial secretary.

Crown graph of the number of hospitalized by days

Photo: Ministry of Health / screenshot

Crown graph of the number of hospitalized by days

Then it was July, today is a few months later. The situation is worse and it is time for us to get serious. Especially since, as announced by the Minister of Health, Dr. Zlatibor Lončar, at this time, more than 1,100 medical workers have been infected with the crown, of which 52 have been hospitalized.
