In 15 days, people won’t have time to ask for glory if we don’t wear masks!


The crown exploded in Serbia: Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced last night that yesterday we had more than 400 infected people!

The situation is cut off every two hours, so yesterday at 3 in the afternoon there were 326 infected almost three times more than the day before, when there were 122. The worst is in Belgrade, Kragujevac and Valjevo. Crisis staff members, epidemiologists, health workers, but also priests appeal to maximum adherence to the measures and to avoid meetings, because a complete apocalypse could occur in 15 days, that you cannot organize the celebration because all your guests are infected and are fighting for life!

Those 326 were positive of the 7,242 people tested, two died and there were 25 patients on respirators.

Belgrade record holder

This is the highest number of new infections since August 1, when there were 330. The record holder is again Belgrade with 155 cases, followed by Kragujevac with 29.

photo: Prinscreen RTS

Dr. Predrag Sazdanović, director of the Kragujevac Clinical Center, said yesterday that the coronavirus epidemic is slowly waking up in all parts of Serbia and warned that all citizens should be responsible and respect measures to prevent mass infection.

– Imagine a situation that today is November 15 and that Serbia breaks all daily records in the number of new infected and that you must celebrate your glory, says Arandjelovdan, and you do not have time to call, because everyone you know is infected or in intensive care – Sazdanovic told RTS.

He pointed out that this apocalyptic version could happen in 15-20 days.

– If today we are not intelligent, if today we do not wear masks, we are not careful, we do not avoid illegal meetings, we do not keep our distance and we do not wash our hands, then it will happen that we will not have time to call our glory, because there will be massive contagion. many patients – he said, adding that there were more than 220 examinations in the respiratory center on Monday, as in July, when the situation was very difficult.

photo: Printscreen TV First

The virus is everywhere

The corona virus in all Serbian countries shows great potential and spreads rapidly, because we are entering the autumn-winter period, when it is most active, said epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon.

– The number of infected people is increasing in Belgrade, but also in Kragujevac and Valjevo, and it only depends on our behavior how much we slow it down. It can last 12 to 16 weeks with deceleration. The more we slow it down, the fewer people will have a tragic result – said Kon for TV Pink adding that the recommendation is to wear masks outdoors where it is impossible to control the distance.

Photo: Photo: Screen Print / First

Virologist Dr. Ana Gligić also told Kurir that it is very important to avoid celebrations and meetings in the next period, because, as she pointed out, the virus is incredibly contagious and almost all modes of transmission are present.

– There are all forms of transmission – drop, then contact – drops fall on the object, so we bring the object or the hand with which we touch it to the nose or mouth, but also to the air – the virus dries , falls on the object, and when cleaned or similarly inhaled through the nose. Of all the modes of transmission that we have had so far in medicine, only one has yet to be shown to be transmitted by food, and this needs to be investigated. That is why we have so many infected. The virus simply lurks everywhere the infected person passes, Dr. Gligić warned.

Recommendations of the diocese of Raska and Prizren

  • Monastic and parish celebrations must be celebrated exclusively in the circle of the monastic fraternity: brotherhood or local parish.
  • Devotees and groups of worshipers are asked to postpone their travels, especially for the next vacation.
  • Individual visits to the monasteries are only possible with the announcement and blessing of the monastery administration.
  • Whoever is authorized to visit is obliged to wear a mask and not stay in the monastery premises and at night.
  • Family glory should be celebrated only in the circle of relatives and closest relatives, without inviting guests.
  • The feast cake should be brought to the parish church for the liturgy so that the priest can bless it and break it with the candlestick.
  • The small consecration of water will not yet take place in the homes of believers.
  • Water will be consecrated in the temples so that the faithful can receive it from the priests and take it home.
  • Weddings, baptisms and funerals should be held only in the immediate circle of the family, according to all the rules.
  • Believers can meet regularly in liturgical gatherings in temples in accordance with the usual practice used during a coronavirus pandemic.

Upcoming celebrations

photo: Zorana Jevtić / Illustration
  • October 27 Good Friday
  • October 31 Saint Luke
  • November 1 Saint Prohor Pcinjski
  • November 8 Mitrovdan
  • November 11 Saint Abraham
  • November 14 Holy Healers
  • November 16 Djurdjic
  • November 21 Arandjelovdan
  • November 24 Mratindan
  • November 25 Saint John the Merciful
  • November 26 Saint John Chrysostom
  • November 29 San Mateo
  • December 4 Presentation of the Blessed Mother of God
  • December 9 Saint Olympia
  • December 13 San Andrés
  • 19. decembar Nikoljdan

Rules for fame

  • It is desirable to celebrate glory in the family circle.
  • If the guests are still invited, it is necessary to limit their number as much as possible
  • You don’t have to kiss
  • Mandatory hand washing
  • Mandatory disinfection
  • Mandatory physical distance
  • Mandatory room ventilation Ružica Kantar Photo: Ana Paunković

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Author: delivery courier
