In 14 days, we could have 500 patients a day, which means SCHOOL CLOSURE and some other measures


The third wave of the crown is largely underway, and if we do not see reason and respect the anti-epidemic measures, we will have more than 500 patients a day in two weeks, and when we exceed that number, we may decide to stop teach in schools and universities. but the classes will be exclusively online, from home.

This is how Dr. Branislav Tiodorović presents the current epidemiological situation of “Kurir”.

In the days before, we were dangerously close to the number of 200 patients per day.

– This week will be a great test, we will make sure if the part of the people who does not respect many measures realized that it is serious and if all our appeals have any success or we are doomed to total failure. It is a pleasant surprise to me that in Nis for the previous two or three days, as in some other cities, the catering companies adhere to working hours until 11 pm. If things are going well in Belgrade as well, then we won’t exceed 100-150 new positives per day. However, if it is not understood in Belgrade how serious the situation is, as in Novi Pazar, who lifted and then returned the emergency situation under pressure from above, we will have at least 300-400 new cases per day very soon.

And what will happen to schools and universities?

– Until now schools and faculties are being carried out. But if we cross the 500 infected per day, which is realistic to expect to happen in the next two weeks, if people do not get serious, classes will no longer be in schools and colleges, but exclusively online.

So what is our strategy to avoid reaching 500 cases?

– The only way out is to get to know each local community well. We cannot bet on an even stronger tightening of measures throughout the country if the outbreak occurs in the largest cities and some areas that will not understand the seriousness of the situation.

What are these measurements?

– Close catering facilities and reduce meetings with 30 people! at five o’clock. Those cities and towns that function should not be punished. The geographical distribution of the number of positives will show where the hotspot is, so if necessary, certain parts of the city will be closed or part of the city will not fully function. A curfew should not be introduced, but cafes, restaurants should be completely closed, and shops, food supply, pumps, and pharmacies should be left in operation. We will also close cinemas, theaters, no cultural or musical demonstrations will be allowed. Why would we close something in Pirot when that city has a total of eight cases in three months? Not everyone has to pay the guild for the irresponsible behavior of some.

Does that mean we will fill hospitals quickly?

– The good thing at the moment is that, even before the increase in the number of positives, hospitalization is still low. And that means they are positive with mild symptoms or even asymptomatic cases. This situation should also be used to prepare the health system and take all measures to reduce the risks of transmission of the virus from the young population to the elderly. The vast majority of newcomers are in their 20s and 40s. Therefore, the focus is on students, high school students, young people. But we also have to look at the great teams.

So how do we avoid that transmission?

– All those who are positive and not for the hospital go to home isolation for 14 days. And then, to provide a greater scope of testing, to go to those who are contacts of the infected.

The percentage of positivity is already 3.5 percent, which is positive in relation to the number of analyzed.

– And the positivity will grow even more if we don’t take ourselves seriously right away. And that is why this week is extremely important, to see if we have managed to convince all those who are a potential source of the virus to behave in a responsible way towards themselves and the environment.

So should we expect a new July?

– I hope it’s not like July. So that this does not happen to us, we constantly call the attention of the population to act responsibly. It’s always better to understand the seriousness of the situation than to use misdemeanor penalties and charges.

And how long will this third wave last?

– It will certainly last until the new year. October will pass very quickly, and this is how Miholja’s summer passes, when most people were outdoors. And then November and December come, cold and humid, people will stay home. And it is normal that there is a much higher risk of transmission.

So, by the new year we will reach 1000 infected a day?

– With regard to all measures, we can fight. I really hope that everyone knows that we must act responsibly and that we will not exceed that terrible number.

Despite all that, should we celebrate baptism?

– It is mandatory to celebrate, each host evaluating the conditions in which they will celebrate safely. And that means no more than 30 people, but also having space for it, at least 1.5 m between each one. Incense is good to use, but incense is not the one that will surely disinfect the room. Food must also be prepared with regard to disinfection. It is a Serbian custom to celebrate at home. And that modern celebration in the taverns is not a Serbian custom. And it goes without saying, no hugging or kissing.

In “Jura” 63 infected

Is the “Jura” factory in Nis also becoming a new focus?

– From the beginning of September until today, there are a total of 63 positive people in “Jura” and their families. Only for 10 days in October. There are also three children, who do not have symptoms, they are only positive, but also an 82-year-old blanket, who is in an extremely difficult situation. And not all are from Nis, there are people from Merošina, Aleksinac, Doljevac. We have collectives like “Jura” all over Serbia.

So what happened, where are the inspections?

– There were also inspections and ours from the Institute of Public Health. But it is obvious that there is a lot to do there. And that should be done by everyone who needs to work on it.

Without rafts

Singers in cultural institutions

And the singers and the rafts?

– Prevent singers from performing on rafts and taverns. This is allowed only in cultural institutions. The virus came out 10 meters from the singer’s mouth!

VIDEO: How the corona virus spreads while people sing
