Immunologist Janković: The epidemic is slowing, but it’s not over – Society


Immunologist Srdja Jankovic said today that the latest data on the coronavirus situation indicates that the relatively favorable trend of the epidemic continues, but that everything cannot be said to be OK, because there are still deaths.

Immunologist Janković: The epidemic is decreasing, but it is not over 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / SERBIAN GOVERNMENT / SLOBODAN MILJEVIC / DS)

“We have calmed this epidemic, and whether it will continue like this will depend on whether these measures, which are now in force, will be taken seriously. Where I see danger is the idea that everything is over now. It is not over yet, we have to send this up to the end, “Janković told TV Pink.

Jankovic, who is also a member of the Kovid-19 Suppression Crisis Team, said that even when there is no virus in Serbia, “guards” should be prevented from returning the virus, because it is not suppressed in all parts of the world, it is a completely different phase. fighting a pandemic.

“The prevention of close contacts through which the coronavirus can be transmitted is key, and it has been all along, but now it should be integrated into our daily activities, in, if we call it, a new normal,” he said. Janković.

As he recalled, it is necessary that everyone is sufficiently “separated” from each other, and when they have to come into contact with other people, wear personal protective equipment: a mask and gloves.

When asked which places are potentially the most dangerous and where they should be the most careful, he said crowds on public transport should definitely be avoided.

“When they enter the city transport, they make sure they are not in close contact. Gloves are also important here, due to the possibility that the drops that fell on the objects, on the grab bars, can be transferred by hands to the servants, “Janković explained.

In the last 24 hours, 89 new cases of coronavirus and four deaths were recorded in Serbia. In total, there have been a total of 10,032 positive viruses and 213 deaths in our country.

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