IMMUNOLOGIST BORISLAV KAMENOV BROKEN THE MYTH: Vitamin D prevents the development of a serious clinical picture in patients with covid, but only if this dose is taken.


Immunologist prof. Dr. Borislav Kamenov, doctor of medical sciences in the field of immunology and experimental hematology and professor at the Nis Faculty of Medicine, spoke about the proper use of this vitamin, when it is best to take it, and broke the misconceptions about the recommended dose.

There is a constant controversy about the optimal amount of vitamin D to take. While some experts advise between 1,500 and 4,000 international units, depending on age and immune status, others say that it is first necessary to determine if there is a deficiency of this nutrient, and only then to determine the dose. Why do expert opinions differ?

– The first story about vitamin D appeared in 1950, when it was recommended to take 200, 400 international units (IU) due to rickets, and children were recommended to take it only while breastfeeding. That was 70 years ago, but in the meantime it was understood that much higher doses are needed to protect us from autoimmune diseases, asthma, allergies … And those old theories still hold today – says the professor.

Why are opinions on the optimal dosage so contradictory? And what is that amount with which we certainly will not go wrong?

– Slovenians, for example, recommend 15,000 IU for the elderly and 7,500 for the young. I advise between 5,000 and 10,000 IU. It is not a mandatory dose to be taken, but it is a safe dose and cannot be overstated, explains Dr. Kamenov.

Everyone knows that vitamin D is created in the body under the influence of the sun, as well as that it is present in certain foods, in greater or lesser amounts. The richest in this nutrient are cod liver oil and other fatty fish, tuna, sardines, mackerel, cod, salmon, shellfish, shiitake mushrooms, liver, egg yolks … However, this amount is not enough for make up for the deficit in the body through diet.

– For one minute of sun, you get 500 units of vitamin D. You need to spend 15 minutes in the sun a day, to get a large amount of this vitamin – says the professor. As for the solarium, it does not have the same effect. On the contrary, it is harmful in every way.

And on the form of intake and the time when it should be taken, there are no opinions. What is the most correct way?

– It can be in a spoon, it can be dripped into juice, soup, as you like. In the morning it does not matter at all, there is no difference. Vitamin D is very important, there is no nutrient that is as important and powerful as it is. It prevents autoimmune diseases, acts against bacteria and viruses, says Dr. Kamenov and explains the connection between this vitamin and corona virus infection:

– When it comes to kovid, it turned out that those who have low vitamin D values ​​have a more severe clinical picture, while those who have high levels do not have a serious form – Dr. Kamenov recalled about the preliminary discoveries of world scientists.


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