Imamovic: getting in the way of the Greater Serbia regime – ELECTIONS


Deputy SDA Sandzak in the Republic Parliament, Enis Imamovic, said at a press conference that the main reason for his party’s election was the decision to stand in the way of Aleksandar Vucic’s “Greater Serbia regime, which deprives Sandzak citizens of the right to live, work, think and decide and they choose. “

Imamović: To stand in the way of the Greater Serbia regime 1Photo: SDA Sandzak

– We want to demonstrate that they do not have a strength in Sandzak and that there are many more of us who are free. Those leading Serbia today are followers of the politics, character and deeds of Draža Mihajlović, Ratko Mladić and Radovan Karadžić – Imamović emphasized and added that their main opponent in the upcoming elections is the policy of Greater Serbia and its enforcers in Sandžak.

Imamovic reiterated previous messages from Sulejman Ugljanin’s party that in the Sandzak elections “they have only two options, the Sandzak SDA and the Greater Serbia regime.”

-These two options are completely opposite. In these elections, we represent a program that is consistent throughout all these decades, namely the decentralization of Serbia, special status for Sandzak, European and NATO integration, demand economy and free economy, democracy, rule of law, equality before the law and a society of equal opportunities for all. Imamovic repeated.

He recalled that his party called on all parties, that they have a Sandzak sign and that they are ready to fight for the freedom of Sandzak, to work together before and after these elections.

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